Due to heart problems, Lucas Leiva announces retirement

Due to heart problems, Lucas Leiva announces retirement


Earlier this Friday afternoon (17), Lucas Leiva announced his retirement from football. At the age of 36, the now former player reported that he preferred to prioritize his health rather than put it at risk. After a battery of tests carried out in the pre-season, Lucas was sidelined after being diagnosed with a heart condition.

Away for three months and closely monitored by Grêmio’s medical department, the athlete redid the exams that indicated the non-practice of self-performance sport. At the Arena auditorium, in addition to his wife and her lawyer, the club’s president, Alberto Guerra, football vice president Paulo Caleff and doctors Márcio Dornelles and Paulo Rabaldo. Coach Renato Portaluppi and defender Pedro Geromel represented the group of players.


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