“Citizen Considered Macapá”: project carried out at Unifap and transforms lives through capoeira – News of Brazil

“Citizen Considered Macapá”: project carried out at Unifap and transforms lives through capoeira – News of Brazil


A socio-educational extension project carried out at the Federal University of Amapá (Unifap) has been transforming lives through capoeira. Under the coordination of the teacher Hélcio Alcântara It is Monnya Karolyne, The main objectives of “Citizen Considered Macapá” are to assist in the formation of citizenship and improve the quality of life of participants.

The coordinator, Hélcio Alcântara, highlights that the project is based on a social pedagogy, combining elements of Paulo Freire’s pedagogy with the theoretical perspective of Rubem Alves. This approach uses students’ prior knowledge and the richness of capoeira popular culture to teach values ​​of life and contemporary society, enabling participants to become active subjects in their own destinies. Another point that stands out in the project is the ability to unite people from different social backgrounds in a capoeira circle.

“Capoeira as an instrument of liberation, from its essence, its roots and its origin, provides a social, plural, diverse coexistence in which we meet people from the upper class and people from the ghetto, from communities, within the same circle, right? , in the same practice environment and how this enables people to see their potential, their value, in the face of a society that is capitalist and exclusionary”says Hélcio Alcântara.

“Citizen Considered Macapá” has existed for over 13 years and began operating at Unifap in the second half of 2022. In all these years, the coordinator states that the project has stimulated the search for basic education and higher education, encouraging participants to dedicate themselves to studies as a fundamental part of development.

“The partnership with the University opened up this idea of ​​formal education a little more and brought us the possibility of partnerships to increase the visibility of the academic community, which will provide more academic students who are important examples for other students who are not yet academics. So, in this sense, the University will contribute a lot to the qualitative gain of the public we serve, this will influence those students who come from a poor family, from a precarious economic situation, this will help a lot”, evaluates professor Hélcio Alcântara.

To participate, interested parties must be over 11 years old. Registration can be made by contacting the project coordination, the Department of Education (DED) of the Federal University of Amapá or the Dean of Extension (Proeac). It is also possible to register directly at the Unifap Experience Center, located on the Marco Zero do Ecuador campus, in Macapá, where the project takes place.

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