World Physical Activity Day: expert gives tips on nutrition and performance

World Physical Activity Day: expert gives tips on nutrition and performance


healthy life

Research by the Federation of Industries of São Paulo revealed that eight out of ten Brazilians seek a healthy diet

On April 6th, World Physical Activity Day is celebrated, an initiative by the World Health Organization (WHO) to promote regular physical exercise and combat a sedentary lifestyle, one of the main risk factors for health. However, for the benefits of physical activity to be maximized, you also need to take care of your diet. When you do not ingest all the essential nutrients for the body to function properly, dietary supplementation may be necessary.

“In addition to a healthy diet providing health and well-being, it also helps prevent chronic non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes and blood pressure. So, it is very important for us to have a diet rich in nutrients”, comments nutritionist Deuzilene Casado, who helps people seeking this type of help on visits to the Santo Remédio flagship, where she works.

A survey, carried out in 2018 by the Federation of Industries of São Paulo (Fiesp), revealed that eight out of ten Brazilians seek a healthy diet. On the other hand, the same survey showed that six out of ten preferred foods considered “tastier” than healthy.

In addition to increasing the incidence of diseases, poor diet can be especially negative for those who practice physical activity, such as sports and bodybuilding. It’s just that, without adequate nutrients, the body runs out of ‘fuel’ to work. Another consequence is the possible loss of muscle mass, an effect contrary to what is expected from activities such as bodybuilding.

“In these cases, supplementation provides more nutrients and energy to the body, making the performance of athletes, amateurs or professionals, more efficient. The benefits are varied. There are those who take it to feel well-being, improve their health, increase the level of a certain nutrient, gain muscle and lose weight. The use of vitamin supplements, for example, can help to make up for the lack of a vitamin that a diet has failed to achieve”, explains the specialist.

Which one to choose?

The first step in choosing a food supplement, according to Deuzilene, is to look for a nutritionist who can evaluate your eating routine and check which nutrients may need replacement. In addition to this factor, the analysis takes into account possible allergies or intolerances. The specialist lists those considered important for the health of those who practice physical activities.

“For those who practice sports or other types of activity, some essential nutrients are copper, chromium, iron, manganese, magnesium, sodium, zinc and calcium. Others that are particularly important are vitamins A, E, C and vitamins from the B complex, especially B6 and B12”, he advises.

A supplement that tends to stand out among athletes is called Whey Protein, a protein with high biological value, rapid absorption and essential for muscle recovery after exercise. “Ideal to consume after training, Whey provides the necessary amino acids to repair damaged muscle fibers, accelerating the regeneration process”, says the nutritionist.

In addition to nutrition, other important habits for those who practice physical activities are correct hydration (2 liters per day for adults) and adequate rest of at least 7h to 9h of sleep per night. It is also essential to maintain a training routine that respects your body’s recovery, without straining your muscles.

*With information from consultancy

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