Unicamp 2023: Entrance exam required reading, say teachers – 10/29/2023 – Education

Unicamp 2023: Entrance exam required reading, say teachers – 10/29/2023 – Education


This Sunday (29), the first phase of the Unicamp entrance exam took place. In total, 60 thousand candidates took the test and, according to the university, the lowest abstention rate in the last ten years was recorded — only 6.9% of candidates were absent.

The test started at 1 pm and candidates had to answer 72 multiple-choice questions distributed between Portuguese (12), mathematics (12), history (7), geography (7), philosophy (3), sociology (3) , physics (7), chemistry (7), biology (7) and English (7).

For teachers, the first phase required good knowledge of current affairs and interpretation from candidates.

“Reading ability was a requirement of this test. It did not always require in-depth knowledge, most of it was doing a good reading, a good interpretation of a graph, comic strip or image”, analyzed Objective coordinator Vera Lúcia da Costa Antunes.

For her, it was a test with relevant subjects, such as traditional communities, earthquakes, homeless people, which made the student apply knowledge through texts and figures.

In history, Vera Lúcia states that it was an easier test than in previous years, but it presented diverse questions, with a sociocultural approach, far from political tradition.

Marcus Vinícius de Morais, history teacher at Oficina do Estudante, agrees that the difficulty level of history was between easy and medium. For him, the entrance exam innovated the way it approached classic themes.

“Blacks, indigenous people and women appeared as protagonists. The plural and multiple world, characteristic of the test, was also evident in the different types of sources, such as sermons, photos and texts”, he stated.

English appeared as one of the most difficult tests. For Vera Lúcia, from Objective, knowing a foreign language was not the only requirement. “You had to read the text and understand the text, which was the keynote of the test.”

Márcio Pantoja, professor at Oficina do Estudante, states that the test maintained tradition and covered a diversity of textual genres, with subjects that addressed Martin Luther King’s racism compared to today’s racism, the representation of indigenous culture and issues of technology , like ChatGPT.

Mathematics was easier compared to last year’s test. Rodrigo do Carmo, from Oficina do Estudante, states that subjects have become more concentrated on content that is traditionally covered in the 1st and 2nd year of high school.

He also highlights an issue about the law of cosines, a subject that in recent years did not appear in the first phase.

Sérgio Paganim, director of the Anglo Course, mentions that the test established a standard requiring three pillars from candidates: reading, relationships and the ability to contextualize.

In philosophy, for example, Paganim claims that the text provided was sufficient to arrive at the answer. Regarding relationships, he mentions one of the questions that presented a news story about a woman who was beaten after rumors on social media and asked to compare it with one of the mandatory readings, the book “Olhos D’Água”, by Conceição Evaristo.

Regarding contextualization, he highlights that the panel covers subjects with very detailed contexts. For example, it requires knowledge of languages, but based on a song, which was the theme of a re-recorded soap opera.

In the first phase, candidates compete for one of the 2,537 places in 69 undergraduate courses at Unicamp. The official answer key for the questions will be released on Wednesday (1st) and the list of successful candidates will be released on November 23rd.


  • Announcement of those approved for the 2nd phase: Nov 23; the announcement of the test locations and cutoff scores for the second phase will be on the same day
  • 2nd phase tests: 3rd and 4th December (Sunday and Monday)
  • Tests of specific skills for architecture and urban planning, performing arts, visual arts and dance courses: 7 to January 9, 2023, depending on the career
  • Disclosure of the first call: January 29 (Monday), on the website comvest.unicamp.br
  • First call online registration: January 30th to 31st


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