UEA develops Artificial Intelligence to monitor climate events in Rio Negro

UEA develops Artificial Intelligence to monitor climate events in Rio Negro



Development of the tool contributes to support in action planning

An Artificial Intelligence project to monitor extreme weather events (droughts and floods) in the Rio Negro Basin was developed by scholarship students from the Academia Stem project at the Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (EST/UEA). The development of this tool contributes to supporting decision makers (public authorities) in planning actions to reduce and mitigate the effects of droughts and floods.

According to the doctor in Meteorology and project advisor, Francis Wagner Correia, the Rio Negro basin has suffered from flood events (2012 and 2021) and a current severe drought (2023) with direct impacts on the most vulnerable people in the Amazon, considered the most intense drought recorded in the last 104 years. “The objective of the study was to develop and evaluate Machine Learning models to predict the river level (quota) for the Rio Negro Hydrographic Basin”, explained the researcher.

Machine learning consists of an area of ​​AI that involves developing techniques to build systems that can automatically acquire knowledge through data. “These models can be applied to several current problems, including forecasting droughts and floods for the Rio Negro basin,” said Francis.

Computer Engineering academic and Academia Stem fellow, Alejandro Loureiro, said that one of the useful tools for forecasting are Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, as they have been widely used for the purpose of solving various problems, whether technological. , economic and environmental.

“With the creation of artificial intelligence models that can predict river levels, it is possible to create mitigation plans for droughts or floods, since Manaus depends on these rivers for several things”,

highlighted Alejandro.

Professor Francis Wagner also explained that the tool developed aims to support planning and reduce losses in agricultural production. Another benefit for society consists of planning and reducing losses in health and education, as well as strategic planning for river transport companies in Amazonas.

With the title ‘Hydroclimatic forecasts for the Rio Negro basin using machine learning’, the work also included the guidance of Professor Mário Bessa and a team of seven academics in the field of Computer Engineering. The project was presented to society during the 3rd Amazon Stem Academy Conference – (Asac 23) – 3rd Conference of the Academia STEM Project, an event organized by the UEA Academia Stem project, which runs until this Friday (24/11), from 9am at 5:30 pm, with free entry, at the Stem Lab, at EST. In total, the event brings results from 45 scientific and technological projects, involving 176 students.

*With information from consultancy

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