TJAP promotes actions to strengthen sport aimed at public policies for children and adolescents – News of Brazil

TJAP promotes actions to strengthen sport aimed at public policies for children and adolescents – News of Brazil


The State Coordination of Children and Youth of the Court of Justice of Amapá (CEIJ/TJAP), headed by judge Gilberto Pinheiro, received last Monday and Tuesday (2 and 3 April), respectively, the Secretary of Education from Macapá, Madson Millôr and the leader of the Football School Project ‘Atletas do Bairro do Trem’, Osório Filho. During the municipal manager’s visit, at the TJAP headquarters, he discussed future partnerships for social projects with the Macapá Department of Education.

Already on Tuesday’s agenda (3), CEIJ/TJAP delivered 24 new pairs of football boots for the Escolinha de Futebol Project – EFFA ‘Atletas do Bairro do Trem’, worth R$ 1,555.62. The school currently has 84 children and teenagers with male and female participation.

For judge Gilberto Pinheiro, every incentive aimed at sport is valid so that young people can have a successful trajectory. “By strengthening these partnerships, the Amapá Justice Department shows that its work is also to encourage young people in activities such as sport, which encourages them to have successful trajectories. I would like to congratulate you on this very important achievement for Amapá football.”stated the dean of TJAP.

The CEIJ team participated in the visits, Diogo Castro, Elcio Ferreira, Ladilson Moita, Ana Beatriz and Nicolau Espíndola.


The TJAP Children and Youth Coordination is responsible for promoting external and internal coordination in the area of ​​Children and Youth and ensuring the rights of these age groups in all necessary situations. CEIJ is also responsible for promoting the improvement of the structure and performance of the Judiciary in the area, through innovative projects and training, providing support to magistrates, civil servants and multidisciplinary teams.

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