The drama of the Russian Olympic medalist who had his feet and hands amputated

The drama of the Russian Olympic medalist who had his feet and hands amputated


the russian Roman Kostomarov, aged 46, is experiencing a critical moment in his health. Olympic medalist at the Winter Games in Turin, in 2006, the figure skating athlete has been hospitalized since January 10 and has already had his feet and part of his hands amputated because of problems resulting from pneumonia.

According to the Ukrainian newspaper KP, Kostomarov spent the New Year holidays at the skating rink, performing at the show “The Wizard of Oz”. Alexander Zhulin, the athlete’s coach, says that the skater had a little cold, coughed, but no one suspected a serious illness.

Kostomarov last reported on January 8 and two days later was admitted to an intensive care unit with pneumonia. In a serious condition, he began to breathe with the help of a respirator and later began to rely on an ECMO, a machine that provides support for the respiratory and cardiac systems. However, none of the alternatives improved his condition.

Everything got worse when the Russian developed sepsis due to an infection, triggering circulatory problems and gangrene. The athlete started to have necrosis in his feet and the doctors decided to amputate his limbs. Kostomarov resisted the procedure, but doctors are still concerned that the necrosis will affect tissue in other parts of the leg.

Also with problems in his upper limbs, Kostomarov was convinced by doctors that he also needed to have his fingers amputated because of new necrosis problems. The athlete would have agreed to surgery, which happened last week. The athlete lost the mobility of his hands, but the doctors are struggling not to have to remove the entire wrist.

Kostomarov is two-time world champion (2004 and 2005) and three-time European champion (2004, 2005 and 2006), always working in partnership with his wife, Tatiana Navka. It was she who contacted the best doctors in Russia to take care of her husband. Despite the serious state of health, he is conscious.

It is speculated that the pneumonia was contracted after a boat trip in a spa in Russia. Kostomarov, who already had a cold and a fever, decided to dive into the icy waters. The family is already studying the possibility of importing prostheses from Germany for the skater after his recovery.


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