Public school student successfully passes law courses at Ufba and medicine at Uneb

Public school student successfully passes law courses at Ufba and medicine at Uneb


Cauã Góes Santos Nascimento, 17 years old, chose to fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor. List of those approved by Sisu was released by the Ministry of Education (MEC) on Wednesday (31). Student from the public network gets approvals in law courses at Ufba and medicine at Uneb Diulgação/SEC Cauã Góes Santos Nascimento, student from the public network, gets passes in law courses at the Federal University of Bahia (Ufba) and medicine at the State University of Bahia (Uneb) through the 2024 selection process of the Unified Selection System (Sisu). 📱 NEWS: be part of the g1BA channel on WhatsApp The 17-year-old teenager completed high school at the end of 2023, at Colégio de Aplicação Anísio Teixeira, in Salvador. The list of those approved by Sisu was released by the Ministry of Education (MEC) this Wednesday (31). After a failure on the Sisu website, those approved ‘lose’ their place the following day: ‘I had already celebrated online’, says student The student chose to study medicine at Uneb, as there were no conditions to study both courses simultaneously. “I’m going to study Medicine. I am very happy with my achievements. But I will choose the Uneb course because a medical career is a safer and more rewarding path”, said the student. According to Cauã Góes, the medicine course was chosen because he is a person who “depends on the public education and health systems”. “I see closely the need, when I become a doctor, to work in public services to serve the population that needs them. Medicine, in my view, has a role in transforming and providing quality of life for people.” See more state news on g1 Bahia. Watch videos from g1 and TV Bahia 💻


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