PT national directory must endorse Marta’s affiliation in meeting – 03/25/2024 – Panel

PT national directory must endorse Marta’s affiliation in meeting – 03/25/2024 – Panel


The PT national directory is expected to endorse former mayor Marta Suplicy’s affiliation with the party at a meeting on Tuesday (26). On that date, an appeal against her affiliation presented by historian Valter Pomar, leader of the internal tendency Articulação de Esquerda, will be analyzed.

Marta joined the party at the beginning of February at the invitation of President Lula (PT) to be Guilherme Boulos’ (PSOL) vice-president in the election for the Mayor of São Paulo.

According to PT members, the expectation is that the approval of membership should not be unanimous, but “with a large majority” of representatives from the party’s directory.

The meeting’s agenda also includes debates on the country’s national situation and issues relating to municipal elections.

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