President of Alap receives bills from the State Executive – News of Brazil

President of Alap receives bills from the State Executive – News of Brazil


On the morning of this Wednesday, 6th, the president of the Legislative Assembly of Amapá (Alap), deputy Alliny Serrão (União), received a significant set of five bills from the executive branch. The acting governor, Antônio Pinheiro Teles Júnior, personally delivered the projects to the president’s office, in a gesture that symbolizes collaboration between the powers.

The reception took place at the headquarters of the Legislative Branch, where deputy Alliny Serrão and several parliamentarians, including the government leader in Alap, deputy Pastor Oliveira (Republicans), participated in the meeting. The governor highlighted two projects, one of them related to the economic freedom law, seeking to simplify the opening and activity of companies in various areas.

“We are sending a law to the Legislative Assembly with the same nomenclature, but compatible with the government leader’s proposal”, stated Teles Júnior, referring to the alignment with the work started by deputy Pastor Oliveira. He explained that this legislation aims to simplify the opening of companies in more than 600 activities, covering environmental licensing, health licensing and inspection by the Fire Department.

Another highlight was the bill to relieve taxes on meat, meeting a demand from livestock farmers presented at the 52nd Expo-fair. Teles Júnior emphasized the commitment to the livestock sector and the need to correct the legislation to cover more than 40 sectors.

The package also includes the PAI bill (Incentive Retirement Plan), the project relating to Fundesa (State Fund for Economic and Social Development) requested as an emergency, and the law that regulates public contracts and sponsorships.

The president of Alap, Alliny Serrão, expressed satisfaction with the dialogue between the government and parliament, highlighting the reading of four projects in this Wednesday’s session. The projects address relevant topics such as the State Taxation, Collection and Inspection Group subsidy, the State Agroecology and Organic Production Policy, the reformulation of the Amapá Jovem Program – PAI, and the IPVA installment program, licensing, traffic fines and reduction in fees for vehicles collected at Detran/AP vehicle depots.

“Parliament has played a fundamental role in responding to government proposals, aiming to improve the quality of life of Amapá residents”stressed the president, highlighting the commitment of the Legislative Assembly to the State Executive.

The meeting was attended by deputy Kaká Barbosa (PL), Jesus Pontes (PDT), Jory Oeiras (PP), Lorran Barreto (PSD), Delegate Inácio (PDT), Diogo Sênior (MDB), Rayfran Beirão (SDD), as well as of deputies Aldilene Souza (PDT) and Telma Nery (Citizenship).

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