Ministers use social media to remember 60 years of the 1964 coup

Ministers use social media to remember 60 years of the 1964 coup


At least seven state ministers used social media this Sunday (31) to refer to the 60th anniversary of the 1964 military coup, which established a dictatorship in the country that would last 21 years.

The Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship, Silvio Almeida, made a publication on the X network (formerly Twitter) with the title “Why dictatorship never again?”. In response to the question, he cited desires for a “socially and economically developed” country, “sovereign, which does not bow to interests opposed to those of the Brazilian people”, “institutionally and culturally democratic”, “in which truth and justice prevail over lies and violence”, “free from torture and authoritarianism” and “without militias and extermination groups”.

Silvio Almeida ended the publication by recalling a phrase from deputy Ulysses Guimarães – who presided over the National Constituent Assembly that drafted the 1988 Constitution: “We must have hatred and disgust for the dictatorship”.

Ulysses’ phrase was also mentioned in a post by the chief minister of the Presidency’s Social Communication Secretariat, Paulo Pimenta. He published an image of a white blouse with the stylized inscription “hatred and disgust for the dictatorship”.

“Dictatorship Never Again!! Hope and courage defeated hatred, intolerance and authoritarianism. Defending democracy is a challenge that is renewed every day”,

he wrote.

The Minister of Women, Cida Gonçalves, also used the X portal to show solidarity with the victims of the exceptional regime.

“On this March 31, 2024, I pay tribute to all the people arrested, tortured or whose children disappeared and died during the military dictatorship. May the coup installed exactly 60 years ago never happen again and never be forgotten.”

The wish that a dictatorship never happens again was also the content of a message posted by the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana.

“We remember and repudiate the military dictatorship, so that it never happens again. The stain left by all the pain caused will never be erased. Long live democracy, which has inestimable value for us”,

he wrote.


The Minister of Agrarian Development and Family Farming, Paulo Teixeira, remembered by name some of the victims of the period that disrespected human rights for more than two decades.

“My tribute to everyone who lost their lives and freedom, due to the rupture of democracy on March 31, 1964, which led the country into a period of darkness. My tribute to Rubens Paiva, Vladimir Herzog and Manoel Fiel Filho, who fought for democracy in Brazil.”

Herzog was a journalist; Rubens Paiva, engineer; and Manoel Fiel Filho, metallurgist. They were all tortured and killed by the military regime in the 70s.

The Minister of Indigenous Peoples, Sonia Guajajara, asked for reflections on a State reparation process in relation to what happened against indigenous peoples during the dictatorship.

“We know that the struggle has always been a constant for indigenous peoples, but 60 years ago the coup began one of the hardest periods in our country. The dictatorship promoted a genocide of our people and also of our culture. Thousands of indigenous people were murdered and many myths were created among the military to justify extermination – many perverse speeches that are still used today to try to refute our constitutional right to territory”,

he wrote.

“We need to reflect on a state reparation process. This is a necessary debate for society as a whole. We will only move forward by strengthening democracy and justice”, she added.

The Minister at the Attorney General’s Office, Jorge Messias, published the notorious photograph of former president Dilma Rousseff, then a 22-year-old political prisoner, during interrogation during a military audit in the 1970s.

With the title “Democracy always!!!”, Messias wrote: “my tribute on this date is in the person of a woman who dedicated her life to the defense of Democracy, @dilmabr. May the Light of Democracy prevail, always. This is the cause that moves us.”

Dilma Rousseff used her profile on almost occurred recently, on January 8, 2023.”

“In the past, as now, History does not erase the signs of betrayal of democracy nor does it erase from the national conscience the acts of perversity of those who exiled and stained Brazilian life with blood, torture and death for 21 years. Nor does it rescue those who supported the attack on institutions, democracy and the ideals of a more just and less unequal society. Never again dictatorship!”

he added.


The President of the Federal Supreme Court, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso, without mentioning the dictatorship, associated Easter, celebrated this Sunday, with democracy.

“March 31, 2024: a day to celebrate Easter, the resurrection, the good feelings of renewal and hope, and also to remember what we can never forget: how valuable democracy is and our freedom, our rights and guarantees They are the essence of a truly dignified life in this country. Happy Easter, democracy always!”

The 60th anniversary of the military coup was not remembered with official events by the federal government. At the end of February, in an interview with RedeTV, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva commented that the institutional rupture “is already part of history”. “It has already caused the suffering it has caused. The people have already won the right to democratize this country. The generals who are in power today were children at that time. Some I think weren’t even born yet at that time,” he said.

“What I can’t do is not know how to move history forward, keep rehashing it, always rehashing it, in other words, it’s a part of Brazil’s history that we still don’t have all the information about, because there are still people missing, because there are people who can find out. But, honestly, I’m not going to dwell on it and I’m going to try to move this country forward”, added the president.

Read more:

Military coup, 60 years: Evangelical pastors were persecuted and tortured by the dictatorship

Minister Dino says that the military function is ‘subaltern’ to the Powers and criticizes echoes of the coup


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