Lula looked at the grocery store – 03/19/2024 – Elio Gaspari

Lula looked at the grocery store – 03/19/2024 – Elio Gaspari


Frightened by the latest research, Lula gathered the ministry and fortunately did not launch any plans, he asked the ministers not to do so, and focused on explaining what has been done. Lula approached Professor Delfim Netto’s wise recipe: “You have to open the grocery store every day at six in the morning, put the eggplants on the counter and check the cashier to see if there is change for the customers.”

Managing the grocery store, the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, launched the program to help young people in high school. R$2.5 billion were allocated to the creation of one hundred new units of federal educational institutes. Workers’ income has improved, inflation is contained and the economy is moving forward slowly. This resulted from the simple administration of the grocery store. She always needs a manager. If he is also a prophet, so much the better, but only with visions does it break.

Lula’s grandiloquences in international politics, or the delirium of the Nova Indústria Brasil initiative, are the stuff of prophets.

The beans and rice were managed well and the impression was that there was little. This anxiety stems from the assumption that government needs big ideas. Lula did ProUni and Bolsa Família. Fernando Henrique created the Real Plan and JK delivered 50 years in five. That’s one side of the coin. On the other, there are failures that it seems impolite to talk about: JK’s inflation, the Transamazônica highway, the Cruzado, Verão and Collor plans, the naval hubs, Fies to nationalize default in private colleges, plus the national champions.

The preferential option for grandiloquence leads governments to be enchanted by their own propaganda or by the donkey skulls of past administrations. Lula’s fixation with Bolsonaro (“coward”) is an example of this waste. We lose sight of initiatives that make Brazil a great country. For example, the decision, taken in 1974, to use the visible hand of the State to encourage the planting of soybeans in the cerrado after the creation, by Embrapa, of a seed suitable for that land.

The drop in Lula’s popularity is due to numerous factors and is part of life. In some cases it stems from his own personality, getting involved where he shouldn’t, from Vale to the Gaza Strip, from Petrobras to Venezuela. Knowing that he is a walking metamorphosis, there is no harm without a cure.

Every government official deals with issues that seem small, barely noticeable to public opinion: Soy in the cerrado? ProUni? The Pé de Meia program? That would be the retail agenda, with its eggplants. As far as it is concerned, Lula’s third government is going well. It is poorly publicized because he prefers to ride the coattails of Bolsonaro’s misdeeds. It’s a shame, because in a politically divided country, this ends up being poison. In 1961, if Jânio Quadros went above and beyond in the inauguration ceremony, JK would be able to score him. Since he wasn’t there, JK rarely mentioned his name.

The lesson of Antônio Carlos Magalhães, the constable of Bahia at the end of the 20th century, is worth the lesson, a person who knew how to make friends and enemies. Of these he did not speak, for “if you speak of them, your enemies capture your soul.”

I didn’t talk about them, I fried them.

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