INSS will nominate more than 1,000 candidates approved in the contest; see – 06/12/2023 – Market

INSS will nominate more than 1,000 candidates approved in the contest;  see – 06/12/2023 – Market


The INSS (National Social Security Institute) will start nominating those approved in the 2022 public tender starting this week. The authorization for a thousand appointments was published by the Minister of State for Management and Innovation in Public Services, Esther Dweck, this Monday (12), in the Official Gazette.

The ordinance takes effect immediately. According to the INSS, employees will work 40 hours a week, with an initial salary of R$ 5,905.79. The institute listed the number of servers per state and, in all, will hire 1,003 employees.

Nominations are due to start this week. The new phase of the contest had been announced on Wednesday (7) by the Minister of Social Security, Carlos Lupi, on his social networks, the date of the ordinance signed by Esther, but which was only published this Monday.

“Excellent news! We are moving forward and, with this new reinforcement, we will work to restore the dignity of Brazilians who seek Social Security”, wrote Lupi.

See how many servers will be named in each state

state Servers
Acre 10
Alagoas 13
Amapá 11
amazon 57
bahia 51
Ceará 25
Federal District 8
Holy Spirit 11
Goias 14
Maranhao 24
Mato Grosso 22
Mato Grosso do Sul 14
Minas Gerais 122
For 58
Paraíba 16
Paraná 32
Pernambuco 31
Piauí 10
Rio de Janeiro 192
large northern river 16
Rio Grande do Sul 48
Rondônia 20
roraima 12
Santa Catarina 30
São Paulo 137
sergipe 6
Tocantins 13
Total 1,003

The final result of the contest was made official by the agency in early May, after a training course for new employees. The process began in September 2022, with the publication of the notice. The selection received more than one million candidates.

Entries and the entire selection process were carried out by Cebraspe and the result of each phase can be followed online at The initial remuneration of up to R$ 5,905.79 corresponds to the basic salary of R$ 712.61, plus the GAE (Executive Activity Bonus), of R$ 1,140.18, the GDASS (Insurance Activity Performance Bonus). Social), which could reach BRL 3,595, in addition to food allowance of BRL 458.

Of the total of 1,000 vacancies, 708 were allocated to candidates in broad competition, 90 for people with disabilities and 202 for black people.

INSS has a shortage of servers and a waiting list for benefits

The hiring of new professionals has been expected for some years, due to the lack of public servants. The INSS had, in September 2022, 14,500 social security technicians. The deficit reached 23,000 employees across the country, including technicians and analysts.

At the opening of the contest, the institute recognized that the thousand servants are not enough to remedy the deficit, and the possibility of calling more professionals while the contest is valid was announced.

The forecast is to fill up to 3,385 posts. For this, 3,385 candidates were initially classified, but only the thousand best placed will be hired at this stage. The selection is valid for one year, counting from the final date of approval.

Joint effort to clear the BPC queue

In order to try to solve the queue problem, the INSS started, on June 3, a task force to release the BPC (Continued Provision Benefit), a benefit in the amount of one minimum wage (R$ 1,320) paid to low-income policyholders aged 65 or over or who are people with a disability.

There are currently 514.7 thousand policyholders waiting for the BPC, which represents 41% of the total INSS queue, currently at 1.249 million policyholders.


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