Feminist collective lists persecution of women due to gender identity

Feminist collective lists persecution of women due to gender identity


There is a global campaign underway to undermine any notion of individuality and unity of the human body. This action in public opinion is based on postmodern transhumanist theories, which purposely confuse sex, gender and gender identity. It is a way of targeting girls and women with a new version of patriarchy, which authorizes men dressed as women to invade sensitive private spaces, such as bathrooms.

Women who react and defend their rights based on sex, even if they share leftist ideals and have a long history of alignment with historical feminism, end up being persecuted, especially in the environment of Brazilian public universities and public bodies and non-governmental organizations where they often they are employed.

In this way, cases of coercion, intimidation, verbal and physical violence, loss of jobs and income, inability to continue with academic and scientific research, loss of scholarships and legal and administrative proceedings are multiplying.

This is the scenario described by the collective Correnteza Feminista, a group of women who, among other issues, question theories of gender identity. The organization recently produced a survey that lists and maps cases of persecution.

Open pursuit

“We collected reports from women who, in the context of conflicts related to sex and gender, were physically attacked, persecuted at work, prosecuted, extorted; who had the lives of their sons and daughters threatened, their research suspended”, describe the authors, who chose to remain anonymous for fear of persecution.

“The complicity of the Brazilian State in the aforementioned scenario of violence against girls and women, who are turned into targets because they diverge from a postmodern theory that was, only recently, transplanted from the American academy directly into Brazilian public policies and jurisprudence is worrying. , in a vertical manner and without significant public debate or popular participation”, points out the work.

366 reports were collected from women, mostly white (74%) and with completed higher education (72%), between 18 and 65 years old, from the 22 states of the federation – 57% consider themselves left-wing and 26% center-left. Of the total, 52% said they were heterosexual, 35% bisexual and 13% lesbian. “Persecution against right-wing women exists, but left-wing women are the priority target. It is a strategy to contain internal dissent”, says, in an interview, a member of the group.

The data shows that 96% of respondents, who filled out an online questionnaire, have already failed, at least once, to express their opinion about the needs of women’s rights based on sex for fear of suffering retaliation. And 53% declared that they had already been threatened for speaking out on the issue. “The difference between the percentages points to a silencing campaign, which is also a form of violence”, assesses the member.

Another 32% interviewed reported having been punished or sanctioned for speaking about their feminist perspectives. And 86% reported that they had never written academic articles on the subject.

Visit canceled

The report was produced to be sent to Reem Alsalem, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Girls and Women. Alsalem had a visit to Brazil scheduled for August 2023, but the government, through the Ministry of Women, canceled the meeting. Alsalem has been threatened with cancellation after pointing out the risk of intimidation against people who criticize transhumanist theories. She has stated that women’s freedoms of expression and organization are being curtailed – it was enough to be accused of acting in a transphobic way.

In an interview with People’s Gazette granted in October, a few weeks after the unilateral announcement of the visit’s cancellation, Alsalem reported that he had received a new date option: “The Brazilian government recently proposed that the visit take place in September 2024 – only 11 months from now, therefore. I intend to accept this proposal, although I do not consider it ideal, as I would like the visit to happen sooner”, she commented.

He also told the interviewer, Luciano Trigo: “There are those who argue that advocates for transgender rights are part of the feminist movement. Others will say that the feminist movement itself is not uniform, as it has many different currents, with divergence of opinions on various topics, including prostitution, abortion and issues of gender, identity and sexuality, as well as the rights that emanate from them.”

He further pointed out: “It has been difficult – and, in some places, almost impossible – to have constructive, calm and inclusive conversations about these issues, without being cancelled, attacked, sabotaged, defamed. In many cases, women – especially women who held critical views about gender ideology – lost their jobs and were seriously threatened, shamed and humiliated.”

As a member of the Correnteza Feminista movement states, “we have a progressive government that cancels without explanation the visit of a UN envoy based on statements in defense of women and girls”. When contacted to inform about the motivations for the case, the Ministry of Women did not comment.

Control schedule

The collective participant points out that, traditionally, feminism values ​​the female body and differentiation in relation to the male, and not mannerisms and external artifacts. “The way transhumanism dismantles any notion of the human body, it becomes possible to use dresses and beards, to talk about ‘people who menstruate’. It is a distortion of any basic notion of identity, which harms women. And it is part of the same set of theories that leaves room, for example, to relativize pedophilia or accept surgeries and hormonal treatments for children, which is a clear case of child abuse.”

The survey carried out by the group lists cases of persecution on social networks, mainly some leading to the loss of jobs. It also cites physical attacks, including an incident involving a trans man who threw a glass cup at a woman who was accompanied by her three-year-old son – all because he did not agree to consider the man in question as a “female”. There are also cases of women who dropped out of the college where they were enrolled, due to the intensity of the attacks.

The work warns of a joint effort to ensure that these reports do not come to light. “We, historical feminists, are politically orphans. Our voice is not heard”, says the group member. The page where the research is available for download mentions: “This report was sent for dissemination in the following progressive media vehicles: Outra Palavras, Gênero e Número, AzMina, Brasil 247, Revista Fórum, Opera Mundi, El País, Brasil de Fato , A Pública, The Intercept, Revista Piauí, Revista Cult, Revista Ela (O Globo), Universa (UOL) and Le Monde Diplomatique. We didn’t get a response from anyone.”

For the participant in the movement, this happens because the transhumanist agenda has already reached the traditional media. “We know that it is an agenda supported by large non-governmental organizations, especially from the United States, and which have a clear agenda of controlling speech. Hence, anyone who questions it is threatened and characterized as fascist.”


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