Senators Carlos Viana (Podemos-MG) and Damares Alves (Republicanos-DF) at the installation of the Evangelical Parliamentary Front| Photo: Pedro França/Agência Senado

The Evangelical Parliamentary Front was installed this Wednesday in the Federal Senate. Senator Carlos Viana (Podemos-MG) was chosen for the presidency and Damares Alves (Republicanos-DF) will be the vice-president. The group has 17 senators and promises to defend Christian principles, being against abortion and the legalization of drugs.

One of the objectives of the front is to continue the issues that come from the evangelical bench of the Chamber. According to Viana, the purpose of the front is not to be opposition to the Lula government, but to be proactive.

“We are going to offer the government possibilities to make the country fairer and more respectful. We will only be against the values ​​that do not make humanity better. If the government puts things on the agenda that are against our principles, we will be the opposition”, reinforced the senator.

At the installation at the front, Senator Damares requested the collegiate’s commitment to the defense of children and adolescents. “I would very much like, obeying Christ’s teaching, for us to place children as a priority on this bench”, she declared. She also defended the advancement of guidelines that seek to protect women against domestic violence and highlighted the role of Christians on the subject.

The Front guaranteed that it will promote public services, in addition to closed meetings between senators and advisors. According to the parliamentarians, the group will not be restricted only to evangelical senators, but will be open to receive Catholics and even people who have no religion.