Decree unifies emergency actions in the state – News of Brazil

Decree unifies emergency actions in the state – News of Brazil

Images: Joelson Palheta/DA

Railana Pantoja

This Monday morning (13), the governor of Amapá, Clécio Luís, signed a decree that unifies actions to combat various emergencies that affect regions of several municipalities. For example, the governor cited the problem of drought, fires, malaria outbreaks, salinization and agriculture affected by fungi.

“We have two decrees in force, but this applies to the entire state, depending on the specificity of the region. For example, in the municipality of Amapá we have situations in urban, rural areas and a delicate one in Sucuriju; in Macapá, we have the situation of Bailique; in Tartarugalzinho, there is drought; and there are some municipalities that have not yet requested an emergency. So, we are unifying the emergencies we are experiencing”, justified the governor Clécio Luís.

According to the governor, the Ministry of Integration and Regional Development (MIDR) immediately recognized and approved the emergency decree throughout the state.

“As it is an emergency situation throughout the state, but each region has its specificities, we attach Civil Defense reports that provide each emergency situation with its appropriate treatment”, explained.

Emergency situations will be handled in a crisis management room at Palácio do Setentrião, with the participation of city halls and federal agencies.


According to studies, the salinization of Bailique and Sucuriju will take five months, due to the El Niño phenomenon.

“We have already sent a ferry with 400 thousand liters of drinking water and another ten thousand liters of mineral water to Bailique. We also sent 2,100 boxes of water and all the houses received them. We are also experimenting with water desalination equipment there.”highlighted the governor.

According to the Civil Defense of Amapá, the dry period combined with the salinization phenomenon of the Amazon River caused a serious shortage of supplies in the Sucuriju region, located in the extreme east of the state, 221 kilometers from Macapá. As part of the State Government’s humanitarian action, a vessel with more than 200 thousand liters of drinking water, 5 thousand 1.5 liter bottles of mineral water and 100 food kits arrived in the village this Sunday, the 12th.

Reporting: Rodrigo Silva

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