Close to Athletico, Maringá midfielder says: “I hope it comes true”

Close to Athletico, Maringá midfielder says: “I hope it comes true”


One of the highlights of Maringá in the vice-championship campaign of Paraná, midfielder Zé Vitor is close to reinforcing the Athletico following the season. The 23-year-old athlete highlighted the close agreement with Furacão.

“I confess that I am very anxious for it to come to fruition. I hope that people can resolve themselves. I am very anxious to wear this shirt and fulfill my dream of playing in Serie A”, he said, in an interview with Rádio Transamérica, still on the pitch of the Ligga Arena .

Revealed in Goiás, the athlete also played for Vila Nova, Goianésia, Grêmio São-Carlense and Operário, before Maringá. The player, by the way, was bought by Dogão from São-Carlense, who maintained his economic rights.

“I worked my whole life to get here. I did my best while wearing the Maringá shirt and I think I’m prepared to learn here with the group and I hope things come to fruition this week”, he concluded.

Behind the scenes, the Athletico board still treats negotiations with Maringá for the player with caution, however, there is an optimistic stance regarding a positive outcome.

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