Can you identify Brazilian authors just by excerpts from their works? Take the QUIZ and find out
These authors are often cited at school, discussed in Portuguese and literature classes, and may even appear in Enem and other entrance exams. Machado de Assis is one of the main names in Brazilian literature Joalline Nascimento/g1 “In the middle of the way there was a stone, there was a stone in the middle of the way.” For many people, perhaps these words immediately refer to their author: the Brazilian poet, short story writer and chronicler Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Other names, such as Clarisse Lispector, Machado de Assis and Guimarães Rosa, also occupy a place in the imagination that lead us to think about Brazilian literature. 📚 They are authors often mentioned at school and worked on in Portuguese and literature classes. However, we will not always remember a specific part of a work. In many cases, what makes us recognize an author are their characters, style and historical or period references. 🎯 For those who love reading and know Brazilian literature, it can be easy to identify works by national authors. But would you do well in a quiz on the subject? Find out below. And, if you are taking the entrance exam and are going to take the National High School Exam (Enem) and other entrance exams, be aware, as they may also be charged during the tests. (See more below.) ✅ Click here to follow the new g1 Enem channel on WhatsApp Brazilian literature in entrance exams National entrance exams are known for always demanding, at some level, knowledge of Brazilian literature. Texts can appear as supporting content or even motivate the question itself, requiring the student to carry out careful analysis to reach the correct answer. In Enem, excerpts from contemporary and classic authors are always expected. The 2022 edition, for example, brought a question with an excerpt taken from the book “Esaú e Jacó”, by Machado de Assis. (See below and check the correct answer in the caption.) Question 29 of the Enem 2022 blue notebook, which mentions “Esaú de Jacó”, a book by Machado de Assis. Correct answer: letter D Reproduction/Inep Other entrance exams, such as Fuvest, Unicamp, UFSC and Uneb, publish lists of books for recommended or mandatory reading. According to Vinicius Beltrão, who is the teaching and innovation coordinator at SAS Plataforma de Educação, each entrance exam has its own line when it comes to literary works. But, according to him, universities are increasingly demanding contemporary works due to their proximity to the students’ reality. There is still a large incidence of works from realism and early modernism, from the first and second phases. But contemporary works, specifically, are each year occupying greater space on the universities’ list. 👉 And this charge has not just one, but several objectives behind it, as explained by Karen Nakano, literature teacher at Colégio Passo Certo, in Cascavel (PR). She argues that consuming these works helps the student’s ability to reflect, in addition to impacting other aspects assessed in the tests. When reading a work like this, the student greatly expands their vocabulary, which will help in writing the essay and in its argumentation, and increases their knowledge of the world, which is part of their academic training. In addition to Brazilian literature Brazilian literature is not the only thing required in Enem and other entrance exams. In general, productions in Portuguese are very common, including those originating in Portugal or countries on the African continent that have Portuguese as their language. The most recent mandatory reading list for the Unicamp entrance exam, for example, includes the Letter of Finding to King D. Manuel, signed by the Portuguese Pero Vaz de Caminha. Entrance exams are interested in a reader attuned to literary plurality. In the contemporary world and new technologies, it is not enough to master just one reading style that is normally presented to us in schools: the classics. We live in the era of artistic plurality. Through the selections of works, the entrance exam candidate will be brought into contact with stories that relate Mozambican and indigenous Amazonian culture, stories with language typical of the 19th century and today. 🎵🎵🎵 And they go further. In a previous edition of the Unicamp entrance exam, an album by Racionais MC’s was mandatory. This year, “Canções Escolhidas”, an analysis of Cartola’s musical work, is on the list. In Enem, in 2022, the supporting text for one of the questions is an excerpt from the song “Assentamento”, by Chico Buarque. But teachers explain that there is no harm to the student when the exam does not offer a specific list of works. “The absence of the list opens the way for high school literary content to be charged, often bringing questions closer to traditional Literary Schools. As Enem has its matrix well defined, the test is no longer unpredictable and also has its own standard “, assesses Norival Leme Junior, literature teacher at Stoodi. 📝 This is also important because entrance exams want more than knowledge of the title or author of the work, but rather the reflection imposed by its content, whether written or musical. “The objective is to promote student reflection between literature, reality and the social, and not just artistic, commitment of the work, to talk about us and our time”, says Vinicius Beltrão, coordinator of the SAS Education Platform. ‘I gained 100 points’: 5 tips from students who saw a jump in their Enem score EDUCATION VIDEOS
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