Booklet on Child Development helps identify possible neurodevelopmental delays

Booklet on Child Development helps identify possible neurodevelopmental delays


The Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP), in partnership with the Sociedade Paraibana de Pediatria (SPP), launches next Monday (26) the Development Booklet – 2 months to 5 years for professionals from all over Brazil affiliated with the entity. Prepared by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States, the content was translated into Portuguese by SBP pediatricians and presents a program that aims to help in the early identification of neurodevelopmental delays.

The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention is an agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services that works to protect the public health and safety of the population.

The president of the Scientific Department of Development and Behavior at SBP, Libiana Arantes de Araújo, said in an interview with Agência Brasil that the booklet seeks to inform health and education teams, as well as parents and other people who deal with children, about the milestones development expected for each age. This way, by understanding what to expect at each age, people will be able to stimulate the child. If they detect any delays, they can act as soon as possible.

“If the child has any delay or is at risk, they need immediate assessment and intervention”, highlighted the doctor. The booklet will help parents and guardians to detect any problems that their children present in their development. “Parents are often unaware and suspect that the child has a delay, but are not sure. The booklet really helps parents understand what to expect at each age. And if my child hasn’t acquired that skill, what’s going on? If it’s really a delay, I have to seek help, because I have a certain guide, with scientific references, based on studies, on published research, resulting from the assessment of many children about what they really have to achieve at each age. .”


Although the booklet was created in the United States, the issue of developmental milestones is applied to children from different regions of the world. “The brain has steps that are previously determined by genetics. So, in Brazil, the United States, Europe, Asia, a child has to walk around 1 year. If she is 1 year and 7 months old and doesn’t walk, she has a delay because the brain develops its architecture in the same way, in stages. Of course, the child can walk at 10 months, 1 year, 1 year and two months. There is a range of variation, but there are limits that are established for any child, regardless of where they live. What we understand is that we cannot underestimate the child’s development potential”, highlighted Libiana.

According to her, a Brazilian child, for example, has the same potential as another who lives in developed countries. Genetics will determine this, although it is influenced by the environment. “People understanding that, in an environment rich in stimulation, working towards good nutrition, to take care of avoiding health problems, this child can achieve their full development potential, regardless of the country in which they were born.”

Liubiana informed that the idea is for the booklet to raise awareness among pediatricians across Brazil, so that they can better understand children’s development, know how to carry out assessments, and guide parents in cases where delays are identified. In the coming weeks, the document will be available on the SBP website for consultation by all parents in the country, aiming to guarantee quality information.


Over 28 pages, the publication is divided into 12 sections representing the different age groups of children: 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 months, in addition to 2 years, 30 months, 3, 4 and 5 years. Liubiana highlighted that the booklet is a teaching tool, with descriptions of the milestones expected for each age. The idea is for parents to mark what their babies can already do and take the completed questionnaire to talk to the pediatrician and receive the necessary guidance during consultations.

As highlighted by member of the Scientific Department of Outpatient Pediatrics at SPP Flávio Melo, the first five years of a child’s life are essential for the full neurodevelopment of the human being and, at this stage, the behavior observed offers important clues about health and full development. .

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