At a Lula government event, the CV leader’s wife criticized shameful searches in prisons; see video – 11/15/2023 – Panel

At a Lula government event, the CV leader’s wife criticized shameful searches in prisons;  see video – 11/15/2023 – Panel

Luciane Barbosa Farias, wife of the Comando Vermelho leader imprisoned in Amazonas, criticized the shameful searches in prison when participating in an event to combat torture promoted by the Ministry of Human Rights, on the 6th, in Brasília.

“Here I also ask that the situation of visits be looked at, as we family members, when we go to visit, have a very big problem with shameful searches”, said Luciane at the 4th National Meeting of Committees for the Prevention and Combat of Torture and Prevention Mechanisms and Combating Torture.

Luciane, who had tickets paid for by the federal government to participate in the event, said that she had already reported violations of the rights of detainees, but that “nothing was done.”

She also criticized the search carried out on children when visiting prisoners.

“The children are searched, the child’s diaper is lowered, the child is placed on the floor. It is unacceptable for the prisoner’s sentence to be passed on to the family member. This is unconstitutional. So I ask for help from the state of Amazonas and I reiterate for the same prison units that pass for the same problem”, he said.

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