Alfredo Nascimento denies the possibility of running for the elections in Manaus

Alfredo Nascimento denies the possibility of running for the elections in Manaus


Elections 2024

State president of PL intends to direct activities this year towards organizing the party

Manaus (AM) – The current state president of the Liberal Party (PL) of Amazonas, Alfredo Nascimento, denied, this Monday (29), the possible composition of the ticket with David Almeida (Avante) for this year’s elections. Behind the scenes of Amazonian politics, there were rumors of coordination between politicians for the re-election of the mayor of Manaus.

On social media, former mayor Alfredo Nascimento stated that there is no possibility of being a candidate in the elections taking place in October. The statement complemented the video published on the Instagram profile of Sérgio Kruke, leader of the Amazonas Conservative Movement, and republished by Nascimento.

“the % chance of becoming a candidate in any race in 2024”,


In the video, Sérgio Kruke said that he met with Nascimento, on Monday morning, when he was informed that the state president of the party’s objective this year “is to take care of the organization of the PL and the party’s candidacies”. Furthermore, he declared that this repercussion was an attempt to generate internal conflicts in the party.

Nascimento also released a note from PL Amazonas about the candidacy, check it out:

“Any information that places Alfredo Nascimento as a would-be candidate in the 2024 elections is untrue. Since, there is no personal intention of the state president of the Amazonas Liberal Party to participate in the dispute for any elective position in the next election.”

This move could guarantee the PL’s presence for David Almeida’s campaign. The acronym concentrates significant strength in Manaus, mainly because it has Jair Bolsonaro in its composition. The former president has high popularity in the municipality, considered a Bolsonarist capital.

Political analyst Helso Ribeiro pointed out that the possible Right-wing candidates for the elections are: Amom Mandel (Citizenship), Captain Alberto Neto (PL), Coronel Menezes (PL), Maria do Carmo Seffair (Novo), Carol Braz (MDB) and Roberto Cidade (UB), while on the Left are: Natalia Demes (PSOL), José Ricardo (PT), Sassá (PT) and Anne Moura (PT).

“In January there is still a strong indication that there will be two rounds in the elections. Now we need to watch what unfolds, who will be who’s vice president, whether it will be a pure-blood ticket or a coalition. These variants will involve television hours and the aggregation of the work of proportional candidates”,


PL plate

The possibility of another candidacy for the PL displeased Coronel Menezes, who is also a member of the party, as there were already plans to run for the party as vice-candidate for federal deputy Captain Alberto Neto. The “pure-blood” ticket, as it is called by Menezes, has the support of Bolsonaro to run for Mayor of Manaus.

The federal deputy and the former Suframa superintendent have previously been involved in disagreements and public criticism. The union represents an attempt to pacify the Right in the State.

Bolsonaro’s response

Across the country, there are attempts by politicians to try to be candidates for the PL. The leadership of the party at national level, Jair Bolsonaro, stated that he will not support these candidacies. The statement sets out the preference to support candidacies from PL members

“There are people there who lived in red, put the flag on their backs and are coming for the PL”,

he said.

Bolsonaro’s comment was made this Sunday (28), during a live broadcast.

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