After operation against opposition leader, Zambelli demands CPI

After operation against opposition leader, Zambelli demands CPI


This Thursday (18), federal deputy Carla Zambelli (PL-SP) accused the installation of the CPI of abuse of authority to investigate abuses by ministers of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). The deputy published the charge on social media when commenting on the search and seizure authorized by the minister, Alexandre de Moraes, against the leader of the opposition in the Chamber, Carlos Jordy (PL-RJ), for alleged involvement in the acts of 8/1.

“The clearly persecutory nature of today’s operation against our opposition leader, Carlos Jordy, shows the level of attack on the Rule of Law and the democracy that they falsely claim to defend and that they are willing to undertake for their project of power. There is an urgent need for the installation of the CPI regarding the abuse of authority by the STF and the TSE, as well as the votes on the PECs that deal with changes in the functioning of the higher courts”, wrote Zambelli on the social network X.

After saying that “Justice in Brazil has sides”, the deputy accused the presidents of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), and of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), “in view of the constant worsening of the situation of inversion of the legal order and a fatal wound to the precepts of the Constitution, by those who should rightly protect it and safeguard its strict compliance.”

Zambelli also recalled that Pacheco has refused to consider requests for impeachment against STF ministers, of which 6 were presented by her.

“What justice is this that orders searches and seizures in the homes of honest people, because they are opposed to this misgovernment and releases or stops arresting drug traffickers, corrupt people and other criminals of all kinds, contrary to the law, inciting violence, encouraging impunity and causing so much legal uncertainty?”, wrote the deputy in another part of the publication.

Earlier, when commenting on the case, pastor Silas Malafaia also accused Lira and Pacheco and called minister Alexandre de Moraes a “dictator in a toga”.

This Thursday (18), the Federal Police (PF) launched another phase of “Operation Lesa Pátria” against 10 targets, including deputy Carlos Jordy (PL-RJ).

The parliamentarian’s office in the Chamber of Deputies was one of the targets of the requests, with the Legislative Police accompanying the PF on site at around 7:10 in the morning.

Federal police officers and legislative agents spent around two hours in the parliamentarian’s office, collecting objects and equipment. Shortly afterwards, the place was closed without staff – the Chamber is in recess until the beginning of February.

Carlos Jordy is leader of the opposition in the Chamber of Deputies and said on social media that the measure is “authoritarian, baseless, without any evidence, which only aims to persecute, intimidate and create a narrative on the eve of a municipal election”.


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