97% of readers disagree with Gilmar Mendes about “rethinking the existence” of the PRF

97% of readers disagree with Gilmar Mendes about “rethinking the existence” of the PRF


The Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) Gilmar Mendes.| Photo: Nelson Jr/STF.

Result of poll with readers of People’s Gazette, which was on air between the 3rd and 11th of October, points out that 97% of the participants are against the statement by the Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) Gilmar Mendes that it would be necessary to “rethink the existence” of the Federal Highway Police (PRF ). In total, 798 readers responded: 774 were against reassessing the existence of the corporation and 24 were in favor.

For the majority of readers who participated in the survey, the PRF is the institution that seizes the most drugs in the world and is essential for public safety. On September 16, the minister lamented the death of 3-year-old girl Heloísa dos Santos Silva, shot in an approach by agents from the Federal Highway Police (PRF).

“Yesterday, Genivaldo was asphyxiated in a vehicle turned into a gas chamber. Now, the tragedy of the day falls on the girl Heloisa Silva. In addition to holding the agents involved criminally responsible, there is much more to be done. A police body that is involved in barbaric episodes like these – and that, in its spare time, is involved in attempted electoral coups – deserves to have its existence rethought. For structural violations, also structural measures”, said Gilmar Mendes on social media.

In the post, the minister recalled the death of Genivaldo de Jesus Santos, aged 38, in Umbaúba (SE), last year, another case involving federal highway police officers. During the approach, Genivaldo was immobilized and locked inside a corporation vehicle filled with tear gas. Only 24 of the readers of People’s Gazette Those who participated in the research said they believe that the occasional errors made by the corporation’s agents are enough for the existence of the institution to be re-evaluated.


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