Zema confirms participation in pro-Bolsonaro event; four governors and more than 100 politicians

Zema confirms participation in pro-Bolsonaro event;  four governors and more than 100 politicians


The governor of Minas Gerais, Romeu Zema (Novo), confirmed this Saturday, his participation in the demonstration called by former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) for Sunday (25), at 3 pm, in front of Masp, on Avenida Paulista, in São Paulo.

With the confirmation, there will be four governors present: Tarcísio de Freitas (PR-SP), Jorginho de Mello (PL-SC), Ronaldo Caiado (União Brasil – GO), in addition to Zema. Also present will be the mayor of the capital of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes (MDB), 11 senators and 92 federal deputies. The vast majority of parliamentarians who confirmed their presence are from the Liberal Party, but there are Bolsonaro’s allies from parties such as União Brasil, MDB, PP and Republicans.

The demonstration will be a barometer of the former president’s popularity and political capital, after being the target of the operation Tempus Veritatisfrom the Federal Police (PF), which is investigating an alleged coup attempt.

Under threat of a possible arrest of the former representative of the Republic, which could be ordered by the Federal Supreme Court (STF), the idea is to demonstrate the strength of Bolsonarism. At the same time, the Liberal Party (PL) aims to strengthen its political muscles for this year’s municipal elections.

The expectation is about who will be willing to speak. Zema has already said that she does not intend to speak. Tarcísio, initially scheduled to speak, has told interlocutors that he prefers to just show solidarity with Bolsonaro.

There is also expectation about the interaction between Ricardo Numes and deputy Ricardo Salles (PL-SP), who gave up his candidacy for mayor, but was the preferred candidate of the Bolsonarist bases.

See the list of deputies who confirmed their presence:

Delegate Caveira (PL-PA)
Cape Gilberto Silva (PL-PB)
Éder Mauro (PL-PA)
Rodolfo Nogueira (PL-RS)
Gustavo Gayer (PL-GO)
Zucco (Republicans-RS)
Pedro Lupion (PP-PR)
Delegate Paulo Bilynskyj (PL-SP)
Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP)
Messias Donato (Republicanos-ES)
Vicentinho Júnior (PP – TO)
General Girão (PL-CE)
Carla Zambelli (PL-SP)
Evair de Melo (PP-ES)
Marcelo Moraes (PL-RS)
José Antônio Medeiros (PL-MT)
Gilvan from Federal (PL – ES)
Capt. Alberto Neto (PL-AM)
Amália Barros (PL-MT)
Rodrigo Valadares (União-SE)
Carlos Jordy (PL-RJ)
Abilio Brunini (PL-MT)
Mário Frias (PL-SP)
Ricardo Salles (PL-SP)
Sóstenes Cavalcante (PL-RJ)
Marco Feliciano (PL-SP)
Sergeant Fahur (PSD-PR)
Cel Assis (União-MT)
Cel Fernanda (PL – MT)
Nicoletti (UNIÃO – RR)
Sanderson (PL-RS)
Maurício Marcon (Podemos-RS)
Silvio Antonio (PL-MA)
Luciano Galego (PL-MA)
Colonel Meira (PL-PE)
Captain Augusto (PL-SP)
Fernando Rodolfo (PL-PE)
Rosana Valle (PL-SP)
Cel Telhada (PP-SP)
Zé Vitor (PL-MG)
Joaquim Passarinho (PL-PA)
Altineu Côrtes (PL-RJ)
Luiz Lima (PL-RJ)
Jefferson Campos (PL-SP)
Silvia Waiãpi (PL-AP)
Alexandre Ramagem (PL-RJ)
Sergeant Gonçalves (PL-RN)
André Fernandes (PL-CE)
Roberta Roma (PL-BA)
Captain Alden (PL-BA)
Filipe Barros (PL-PR)
Giovani Cherini (PL-RS)
Júlia Zanatta (PL-SC)
Eros Biondini (PL-MG)
Zé Trovão (PL-SC)
Rosângela Reis (PL-MG)
Alfredo Gaspar (União-AL)
Cel. Chrisóstomo (PL-RO)
Roberto Monteiro (PL-RJ)
Fernando Giacobo (PL-PR)
Márcio Alvino (PL-SP)
Osmar Terra (MDB-RS)
Luiz Philippe OB (PL-SP)
Dr. Frederico (PRD-MG)
Thiago Flores (MDB-RO)
Eduardo Pazuello (PL-RJ)
Miguel Lombardi (PL-SP)
Bibo Nunes (PL-RS)
Wellington Roberto (PL-PB)
Chris Tonietto (PL-RJ)
Luiz Carlos Motta (PL-SP)
Bia Kicis (PL-DF)
Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG)
Marcelo Álvaro Antônio (PL-MG)
Hélio Lopes (PL-RJ)
Reinhold Jr (PSD-PR)
Delegate Palumbo (MDB-SP)
Fábio Costa (PP-AL)
Carol De Toni (PL-SC)
André Ferreira (PL-PE)
Marcel van Hattem (Novo-RS)
Alberto Fraga (PL-DF)
Márcio Corrêa (MDB-GO)
Pastor Eurico (PL-PE)
Cel. Ulysses (União-AC)
Junio ​​Amaral (PL-MG)
Maurício Souza (PL-MG)
Clarissa Tercio (PL-PE)
Dr. Allan Garcês (PP-MA)
Daniela Reinehr (PL-SC)
Daniel Freitas (PL-SC)
Jorge Goetten (PL-SC)
Sergeant Portugal (PL-RN)
Soraya Santos (PL-RJ)
Magda Mofatto (PRD-GO)
Pezenti (MDB-SC)
Cristiane Lopes (União-RO)
Pedro Westphalen (PP-RS)
Adilson Barroso (PL-SP)
Geovania de Sá (PSDB-SC)
Mariana Carvalho (Republicanos-MA)

Senators who confirmed their presence

Marcos Pontes (PL- SP),

Jaime Bagattoli (PL-RO)

Jorge Seif (PL-SC),

Magno Malta (PL-ES)

Marcos Rogério (PL-RO)

Rogério Marinho (PL-RN),

Wilder Morais (PL-GO)

Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ).


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