Work by Cristiana Lôbo addresses the personality of presidents – 08/30/2023 – Politics

Work by Cristiana Lôbo addresses the personality of presidents – 08/30/2023 – Politics


Editora Planeta launched this week the book “What I saw of presidents: Facts and versions”, a posthumous work by journalist and political columnist for GloboNews Cristiana Lôbo, which presents the author’s perspective on the personalities of each former Brazilian president since 1985 and the relation to their mandates.

In addition to the profiles of each representative in the country, Cristiana, who died in 2021, presents memories of the main facts of all governments since redemocratization, in addition to stories that reveal how each of those who headed the Executive behaved and how this affected the day to day of power.

The work does not lend itself to narrating events in national politics in a historical or historiographical tone.

The idea, in fact, is to unify a set of narratives seen by her behind the scenes and her observations about the temperament of each president, linking politics to the individuality of each occupant of the Planalto Palace.

Each chapter is titled with a characteristic attributed by it to all chief executives. José Sarney (MDB) would be the affable one, Fernando Collor (PTB), the impetuous one, Itamar Franco (MDB) was mercurial, Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB), the seducer, Lula (PT) is the aggregator, Dilma Rousseff (PT), the self-sufficient, Michel Temer (MDB) is the articulator and Jair Bolsonaro (PL), the conflicted one.

The project was started in 2016, still under Dilma’s mandate, and was completed after Cristiana’s death by Diana Fernandes, former coordinator of Politics at the newspaper O Globo in Brasília.

She tells, in the presentation of the work, the daily life with the journalist and the process of finalizing the content at the request of her husband, Murilo Lôbo.

Murilo and the columnist’s two children, lawyer Bárbara Mendes Lôbo and economist Gustavo Mendes Lôbo, also sign small presentations in honor of the journalist, recalling the passion and enthusiasm for the profession.

Cristiana died in 2021 due to a health condition involving cancer treatment and recently contracted pneumonia. She was 64 years old and was hospitalized at the Albert Einstein hospital in São Paulo at the time.

He started his career in Goiás and, in Brasília, he worked in health and education coverage, but it was in the political area that he had his greatest prominence, initially in the newspapers O Globo and O Estado de S. Paulo.

At GloboNews, Grupo Globo’s 24-hour news channel, from 1997 onwards, he joined the broadcaster’s front team in investigating the backstage and analyzing the political world, joining the team of commentators at Jornal das Dez.

The journalist also commanded for years the analysis program Fatos e Versões, now the subtitle of her work, in which she talked about relevant topics of politics and the economy with guest journalists.


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