Widespread retaliation strengthens Bolsonaro, says Jobim – 01/19/2023 – Panel

Widespread retaliation strengthens Bolsonaro, says Jobim – 01/19/2023 – Panel


Former Minister of Justice and Defense Nelson Jobim, who also presided over the STF (Federal Supreme Court), said it was necessary to have “wisdom and clarity when dealing with the incident of the 8th” because a reckoning after the coup acts can reinvigorate former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

“We have to know how to be tolerant. If the government and the democrats start to act with generalized retaliation, we will have a radicalization, and then that strengthens Bolsonaro”, said Jobim in a virtual seminar promoted this Thursday (19) by the Fundação FHC, linked to former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB).

“Radicalize is no use. We need to overcome,” he added, going against the banner of “no amnesty” championed by the PT and most of the left.

For him, a “democratic right” needs to be strengthened in Brazil to isolate the extreme right, which includes the radicalized fringes of Bolsonarism. “We need to stimulate the democratic right and find leaders for it, because it is it that will reduce the expansion of Bolsonarism.”

The former minister assessed that “the intelligence blackout was everyone’s” involved in the security of the buildings and defended that investigations demonstrate whether the negligence “was subjectively intentional”.

“We have to remember that the person responsible for protecting the palaces is the GSI [Gabinete de Segurança Institucional da Presidência]. Where was the Presidential Guard? Where were the GSI shares? I don’t know if I was aware… It was an intelligence blackout at a level of, not to say incompetence, leniency with regard to actions and precautions.”

The former minister, who is close to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), also said that one cannot generalize the involvement of those who were at the demonstration in Brasília, arguing that not all people there may have been willing to participate in a breaker.

Jobim commanded the Defense between 2007 and 2011, in the Lula and Dilma Rousseff governments, and maintains dialogue with the PT. He, who was quoted to resume the portfolio in the current term, praised the occupant of the post, José Múcio, who was contested after the episode. Mucius was described as competent and skilled.

The former minister also referred in a positive tone to Lula, stating that the president has been signaling the right path by preaching understanding and conciliation between sectors of society, a posture similar to that adopted in previous terms.

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