WhatsApp releases new message formatting options; see how to use

WhatsApp releases new message formatting options;  see how to use


Update allows you to display messages in the format of lists, quotes and programming code. New options join formatting such as bold and italics, which were already available in the application. WhatsApp formatting styles Disclosure/WhatsApp WhatsApp made official this Wednesday (21) the arrival of new message formatting features. Now, content can be sent with visual lists, block citations and programming code. The four new formats join the bold, italic, strikethrough and monospace options, which were already available in the application. You can use them by including characters corresponding to the desired look near the section that will be highlighted. See below how to change message formatting on WhatsApp. Bold (asterisk before and after the excerpt) Italic (underscore before and after the excerpt) Strikethrough (tilde before and after the excerpt): to send a message with a crossed out excerpt Monospaced (three grave accents before and after the excerpt): to adopt the message font style in which all characters occupy the same space List of items (hyphen and space before the message): to display ingredients of a recipe or main points of a message, for example Numbered list (number followed by a period and space before message): to highlight order of items as step by step Block quote (> sign followed by space before the message): to highlight text section and make it more visible in the message Embedded code (grave accent before and after the content ): to share code snippets or commands used by programmers. All options are available to all WhatsApp users on Android, iOS, the web, and Mac, including channel administrators. According to WhatsApp, formatting options are ways to help users organize their messages and communicate more effectively. READ ALSO: OpenAI, owner of ChatGPT, launches AI model that creates realistic videos from texts Videos of people using the Apple Vision Pro outside their home go viral on social media Cell phones can be an ally to discover hidden cameras in rooms; see how to protect yourself How to protect yourself from scams on WhatsApp Scams on WhatsApp: learn how to protect yourself


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