TSE decides to keep Bolsonaro ineligible

TSE decides to keep Bolsonaro ineligible



The TSE had a majority of ministers who chose not to overturn the decision to make the former president ineligible

The majority of ministers of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) denied today (22) an appeal to overturn the decision that made former president Jair Bolsonaro ineligible for eight years. The trial of the case began in the early hours of Friday in the court’s virtual plenary session.

In June this year, Bolsonaro was condemned by the TSE for abuse of political power and misuse of the media for the meeting held with ambassadors, in July last year, at Palácio da Alvorada, to attack the electronic voting system. The legality of the meeting was questioned by the PDT.

So far, four of the seven members of the TSE have rejected the defense’s appeal. In addition to the rapporteur, Benedito Gonçalves, Alexandre de Moraes, André Ramos Tavares and Cármen Lúcia voted in the same direction. The votes of Raul Araújo, Floriano de Azevedo Marques and Nunes Marques are missing.

In the appeal presented to the TSE, Bolsonaro’s lawyers claimed that there was a restriction on the defense in the trial due to the lack of analysis of all the arguments presented by the defense and the presentation of witnesses.

The case is analyzed in the virtual trial, in which the ministers enter the votes into the electronic system and there is no in-person deliberation. The analysis of the appeal is scheduled to end on the 28th of this month.

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