TRF maintains the case of wiretaps in Youssef’s cell without secrecy – 07/08/2023 – Panel

TRF maintains the case of wiretaps in Youssef’s cell without secrecy – 07/08/2023 – Panel


The federal judge Loraci Flores de Lima, from the TRF-4 (Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region), denied the request of the MPF (Federal Public Ministry) of Paraná to impose secrecy on the petition presented by the defense of Alberto Youssef that deals with the case of the environmental listening found in 2014 in the PF jail in Curitiba, where the money changer was imprisoned, within the scope of Operation Lava Jato.

The second instance magistrate’s decision was signed on June 30. The MPF’s request is signed by the attorneys of the Republic Lyana Helena Joppert Kalluf and Walter Jose Mathias Junior.

The MPF also intended to annul the decisions that allowed Youssef’s defense to have access to all inquiries that were made about the case of the wiretaps and also to the audio that would have been captured at the time inside the prison. But this was also denied by Flores de Lima.

Prosecutors claimed that the decisions were signed by Judge Eduardo Appio without the MPF being previously heard, violating the adversarial principle. According to them, the MPF acted as a “mere spectator”, without participating in the procedural stages.

Appio is the holder of the 13th Court of Curitiba, but, since May 22, he has been removed from the chair, under suspicion of having committed a disciplinary infraction. The performance of the first instance magistrate in the Lava Jato Court was frequently challenged by the MPF, which forwarded 28 exceptions of suspicion against him to the TRF4.

Youssef’s defense filed the petition on the wiretapping case in April at the 13th Court of Curitiba. The objective is to find evidence and situations from the past that may have interfered in the award-winning collaboration agreement signed between the money changer and the MPF.

The money changer was the main target of the initial stage of Lava Jato, in 2014. Months later, he signed one of the first collaboration agreements of the operation, in which he accused politicians and contractors. Any breach of the agreement could have repercussions for the entire investigation.

With the removal of Judge Appio, the matter is now in the hands of Judge Fábio Nunes de Martino.

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