the right in the Chamber committees

the right in the Chamber committees


Liberal Party deputies Nikolas Ferreira, Caroline De Toni and Alberto Fraga took over the Education, Constitution and Justice and Security committees respectively in the Chamber of Deputies.

The change can finally give the necessary power to deputies to deal with issues such as gender identity in education, neutral alphabet, monocratic decisions of the STF, end of the privileged forum and the disarmament decree. But everything will depend on how they will manage to overcome an important barrier: the agenda of President of the Chamber Arthur Lira.

This Tuesday, Assunto Capital will debate these and other topics with political analyst Antônio Flavio Testa, professor at the University of Brasília. Assunto Capital is a videocast broadcast live from Brasília, where journalists from Gazeta do Povo talk in a relaxed way with parliamentarians, members of the Executive and analysts about the hottest political topics of the week.


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