“The neediest population is the one that most needs to have their rights guaranteed”, says president of TRT11

“The neediest population is the one that most needs to have their rights guaranteed”, says president of TRT11


Manaus (AM) — The 17th president of the Regional Labor Court of the 11th Region (TRT11), judge Audaliphal Hildebrando da Silva, born in Salvador (Bahia), was elected two years ago, for the 2022/2024 biennium, and is heading towards the end of his term . The judge was the first black man to hold the office.

In the period of 2023, according to the balance released by the institution, 19.7 thousand workers benefited from the processes of the Judicial Centers for Consensual Methods of Dispute Resolution (Cejusc-JT), in Manaus and Boa Vista. As a result, there were more than R$21 million in compensation paid and an average of 1,300 agreements signed.


Graduated in Law and Literature from the Unified Education Center of Brasília (CEUB) and Master in Military Applications from the Officers’ Improvement School, the judge was co-organizer of the Permanent Campaign to Eradicate Child Labor in Amazonas, in 2001. He also served as secretary, in 2005, of the State Commission to Combat Child Labor in Amazonas and secretary of the group to Combat Sexual Exploitation and Prostitution of Children, Women and Internal Trafficking of the National Group to Combat Criminal Organizations (GNCOC).

In a presidential role, in 2010 he held the Forum to Combat Child Labor in the State of Amazonas. In 2012, he was sworn in as judge of the TRT11, in a vacancy allocated to the Public Ministry of Labor (MPT). After three years, in 2015, he was regional manager of the Program to Combat Child Labor. From 2016 to 2018, he was the inspector of TRT11. His last position before the presidency of the Court was as director of the Judicial School (Ejud11) for two consecutive biennia, between 2018 and 2022.

To the In timethe president of the Regional Labor Court of the 11th Region (AM/RR) commented on the initiatives to facilitate access to the Labor Court, the latest public competition, female representation in the TRT11, in addition to the body’s actions against child labor, among other topics.

In time – In 2023, TRT11 benefited more than 19 thousand workers with its actions, according to the released balance sheet. What are the main challenges faced and the achievements obtained during this period?

Audaliphal Hildebrand — Among the main challenges to be faced, the difficulty in accessing justice in the most remote regions of Amazonas and Roraima still stands out, but this issue is being addressed through partner initiatives between TRT11 and other bodies. One of these measures is the Digital Inclusion Points (PIDs) project, spaces with internet access and technical support so that anyone in the interior of Amazonas and Roraima can request services from the Labor Court. In this sense, another pioneering project that begins to be implemented this year is the “Caravan of Social Justice”, where TRT11, MPT, TEM, INSS also take services on an itinerant basis to the interior municipalities.

In time — What are the prospects for activities this year, including the main projects and initiatives?

Audaliphal Hildebrand — In addition to the projects mentioned above, TRT11 will intensify the number of judges in the Labor Courts, in compliance with the recommendation of the Superior Labor Court (TST), thus guaranteeing full service to the interior communities. We also signed a partnership with the Court of Justice of Amazonas (Tjam) for shared use of the itinerant bus that serves the neighborhoods of Manaus and which, since last year, has also carried TRT11 services.

In time – In relation to the expansion of civil servants through public competition, what are the priority areas in which these new civil servants will be allocated and how will this contribute to the efficiency and quality of services provided by the body?

Audaliphal Hildebrand — The competition is for analysts and judicial technicians with priority for placement in the Labor courts in the interior of Amazonas and Roraima.

In time – What are TRT11’s initiatives to promote accessibility, an inclusive environment and ensure that all citizens, including people with disabilities and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, have equal access to the judicial services offered by the institution?

Audaliphal Hildebrand — TRT11 has been holding seminars, lecture cycles, conferences, workshops and others for internal and external audiences, which cover topics involving communities that are political minorities (People with Disabilities, LGBTQIAPN+, indigenous and quilombolas and women) both in terms of of labor rights, as well as combating prejudice, discrimination, moral and sexual harassment and violence in the work or domestic environment. In February, we held the series of lectures: “Equals in Diversity: the role of the Labor Court in the Promotion of LGBTQIAPN+ Rights”. We also opened an access ramp so that wheelchair users can enter the Court’s headquarters, on Rua Visconde, Praça 14 neighborhood, Central-South Zone.

In time — Considered the TRT the most feminine in Brazil, what are the policies adopted by the institution to promote gender equality and female empowerment in order to achieve the gender equality goal of the National Council of Justice (CNJ)?

Audaliphal Hildebrand — The TRT, in the second instance, among the judges, has more women than men (seven judges compared to six judges) and in the other directorates and coordinators, gender alternation in these leaderships is also increasingly sought.

In time — In addition to inspection and awareness actions, has TRT11 formed partnerships with other institutions or government bodies to strengthen the fight against child labor in the Amazonas region?

Audaliphal Hildebrand — TRT11 has in-depth educational work on this and other issues related to Labor Justice. We have Judicial Choice (Ejud 11) which promotes events with nationally renowned speakers on these topics. We work in partnership with the Public Ministry of Labor (MPT) and have a Committee to Combat Child Labor and Encourage Learning. Last year we also held “The Difficult Art of Judging” events, which takes mock trials to public schools.

In time — This year is the last year of your administration, what goals do you want to achieve and what legacy do you want to leave?

Audaliphal Hildebrand — My main goal is the recognition of the TRT-11 as an increasingly inclusive, speedy court that promotes Social Justice, benefiting the neediest population who most need to have their rights guaranteed.

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Web editing: Jonathan Ferreira


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