The Cuesta region, in SP, is an important producer of honey

The Cuesta region, in SP, is an important producer of honey


Honey is the main food for bees, but they are not the only ones interested in it, as it has so many health benefits. The Cuesta region, in SP, is an important honey producer Reproduction/TV TEM The Botucatu region (SP) is one of the main honey producers, a market that guarantees income for thousands of families in the interior of São Paulo. The Polo Cuesta Beekeepers Association, formed by 10 municipalities in the region, brings together around 250 beekeepers, and some characteristics favor this activity, such as the climate and flowering. In the region, depending on the time of year, bees find an abundance of flowers in the forests, eucalyptus plantations and orange plantations. With so many sources of nectar, beekeepers are able to maintain production year-round. In addition to the quality of the honey, another concern for professionals is maintaining good management practices to ensure the balance of species and the preservation of the environment. In Brazil, honey consumption is still considered low compared to other countries and the sector’s growth potential is great. For beekeeping to remain strong, it is important to expand consumption, increase productivity and invest in professional management. As for exports, they are mainly made to the United States. According to the Brazilian Association of Honey Exporters, Brazil sold almost 30 thousand tons last year. See the report shown on the program on 03/24/2024: The Cuesta region, in SP, is an important producer of honey VIDEOS: see the reports from Nosso Campo Access + TV TEM | Programming | Videos | Social networks Check out the latest news from Nosso Campo


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