TCU points out flaws in arms control by the Army

TCU points out flaws in arms control by the Army


| Photo: Disclosure/TCU

The Federal Audit Court (TCU) pointed out irregularities in the arms control carried out by the Army. According to data from a report produced by court technicians. The Army has failed to comply with Court orders to improve control of firearms and ammunition in the country.

According to the technical opinion prepared by the National Defense Inspection Directorate, the military’s conduct has led to disobedience of obligations imposed by the control body, non-compliance with specific legislation and, furthermore, caused harm to public arms control policy.

As reported by the Estadãothe technical area of ​​the TCU wants to have access to a list with the full name and CPF of the last heads of the Army’s Controlled Products Inspection Directorate (DFPC) to determine the responsibilities for non-compliance with rules that deal with arms control, a leadership usually held by brigadier or division generals.

In a note sent to Estadãothe Army informed that it does not comment on the investigations of other bodies, but pointed out that it respects all impositions and that it bases its actions on legality and transparency.

The Army is responsible for controlling weapons for CACs – Hunters, Shooters and Collectors, who since the beginning of the Lula government have complained about restrictions, with the publication of anti-gun decrees that make trade and shooting activities difficult throughout the country. country.

Still according to what the Estadãothe opinion that points out alleged irregularities in arms control by the Army is included in a process that is being processed under the rapporteur of Minister Marcos Bemquerer, and there is still no deadline for analysis by the plenary of the Federal Court of Auditors.

Since 2017, the TCU has monitored and demanded the adoption of measures by the Army to improve the Army Controlled Products Inspection System (SisFPC). Some of them have been met, but others remain open. In some cases, according to technicians, the measures were left aside without explanation.


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