Tarcísio poses with a gun gesture after Bolsonaro’s criticism – 11/24/2023 – Panel

Tarcísio poses with a gun gesture after Bolsonaro’s criticism – 11/24/2023 – Panel


Governor Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicanos-SP) took a photo with Bolsonaro deputies this Friday (24), made with his hands the gesture of arms popularized by the group of supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and asked them to publish the image on their social networks.

The moment happened during an event at Palácio dos Bandeirantes to sanction a bill by state deputy Lucas Bove (PL-SP). He is one of the members of the recently formed Bolsonaro bloc in the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo.

Bove, Gil Diniz (PL) and Tenente Coimbra (PL) participated in the portrait with Tarcísio, who said “this one is for publication”. The block also includes Major Mecca (PL), and its members believe it could reach 12 members. The three deputies shared the image on their social networks.

Tarcísio recently became the target of criticism from Bolsonaro and São Paulo’s Bolsonaro supporters after praising minister Fernando Haddad (PT), receiving Nelson Mandela’s widow, Grace Machel, donating land to Faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares and sanctioning the project law by PT member Teonilio Barba that establishes the Black Awareness Day holiday throughout the state.

It’s not all right. I’m not in charge of Tarcísio. He’s a hell of a manager. Politically he makes his slips. I would never do certain things he does with the left”, said Bolsonaro in an interview with radio Gaúcha.

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