Gilmar Mendes is dean of the STF and starts to act as substitute minister of the TSE.| Photo: Rosinei Coutinho/STF

Minister Gilmar Mendes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), was elected deputy minister of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) in the plenary session this Thursday (25). The magistrate is dean of the Court and becomes a member of the electoral court’s collegiate body.

In addition to Mendes, Cármen Lúcia was sworn in as vice-president and Nunes Marques was appointed as Minister of the Court.

The TSE collegiate is composed of seven ministers, three from the STF, two from the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) and two are representatives of the class of jurists (lawyers with notable legal knowledge and suitability). Each minister is elected for one biennium and cannot be reappointed after two consecutive bienniums.

Currently, the members of the STF that make up the TSE are Minister Alexandre de Moraes, Minister Cármen Lúcia and Minister Nunes Marques, as holders, and Ministers Gilmar Mendes, Dias Toffoli and André Mendonça, as alternates.

The TSE has as president and deputy ministers of the STF. The Corregedoria Geral da Justiça Eleitoral (CGE) is exercised by a minister of the STJ.