South and Southeast sign Atlantic Forest Treaty – 10/21/2023 – Environment

South and Southeast sign Atlantic Forest Treaty – 10/21/2023 – Environment


States of the South and Southeast signed, this Saturday (21), a treaty that provides for the planting of 100 million native species by 2026.

The agreement was signed at the end of the 9th meeting of Cosud (South and Southeast Integration Consortium), held in São Paulo.

The Atlantic Forest Treaty was signed by governors Tarcísio de Freitas (SP), Romeu Zema (MG), Cláudio Castro (RJ), Renato Casagrande (ES), Ratinho Júnior (PR), Eduardo Leite (RS), in addition to the secretary of planning of Santa Catarina, Edgard Usuy, who represented governor Jorginho Mello.

According to the São Paulo government, the agreement provides for the restoration of the biome in a total area of ​​90 thousand hectares, which is equivalent to more than 120 thousand football fields.

The planting of species, it says in a note, will take into account the particularities of each state, in addition to the creation of conservation units and expansion of spring recovery and environmental regularization programs.

Also as announced by the São Paulo government, among the other main proposals of the treaty, the governors also point out that the seven states will create terrestrial and coastal-sea ecological corridors and establish an integrated plan to combat extreme events, especially those related to rain and drought.

States must also intensify cooperation and the use of technology in environmental monitoring and combating illegal deforestation.


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