Senator’s son is arrested after saying that police uniform is not even useful as a floor cloth

Senator’s son is arrested after saying that police uniform is not even useful as a floor cloth



Gabriel was released after paying bail of R$3,900

Gabriel Marti Cruz Rodrigues, son of senator Randolfe Rodrigues, was arrested for alleged contempt of authority, in Macapá, capital of Amapá. The episode took place in the early hours of this Saturday (7) during a Military Police incident at Expofeira. The parliamentarian’s office says that the young man was the target of attacks by the officers.

According to the police report, the senator’s son stated that the police did not have the authority to close his nightclub, which operated in the fair’s exhibition park.

“No fucking police officer is going to close my club, you don’t know who you’re talking to… Your uniform isn’t even useful as a floor cloth in my dog’s house”,

Gabriel Rodrigues would have said.

The military went to Expofeira to end a party that included Gabriel and they claim to have been received in a truculent manner by the event’s participants.

According to the Amapá Military Police report, the senator’s son had resisted arrest. The military highlights that Gabriel was “extremely altered” during the entire action.

The defense

Randolfe Rodrigues’ office stated, in a preliminary way, that the military arrived at the event aggressively and threatened Gabriel during the event. The senator’s son is taking appropriate measures against the garrison responsible for the police action.

The senator’s office said it would make an official statement in a statement. The space remains open for updates.

The 52nd Expofeira do Amapá takes place in Macapá and features the participation of dozens of national and local artists. The event takes place at the Fazendinha Exhibition Park.

Gabriel was released after paying bail of R$3,900.

*With information from Metrópoles

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