Senator Dorinha wants to extend the duration of the PNE goals until 2028
Senator Professor Dorinha Seabra (União-TO) reported this Tuesday (6) that she presented a bill (PL 5665/23) to extend the duration of the goals of the National Education Plan (PNE), which end in June this year, until 2028.
According to the parliamentarian, there is a “lack of care on the part of public authorities” in relation to the latest education plans. She mentioned that the most recent proposals for education had a “lengthy process” in Parliament, and that they took an average of three years to be approved and put into practice, which influences the application of the goals during the 10 years of validity of the PNE.
“We have the challenge of evaluating the goals, and the vast majority of unmet goals are in the process of discussing the new National Education Plan. We recently held the national conference, with a lot of controversy regarding the points presented”, declared the senator during a speech in the Plenary.
Dorinha also made a “provocation” about the “challenges” of Brazilian education. “Our teachers are trained by private companies, most of them with poor quality; We have a challenge in relation to the national level and career, and, what’s worse, we cannot think that it is normal for a child to enter school and finish their fifth year of education without knowing how to read and write”, she explained.
For the senator, the PNE needs to be debated with “rational goals that can be met” to meet the challenges and therefore reinforces the extension of the duration of the current PNE without compromising the “serious and quality education that Brazil needs”.
“This is Brazil’s challenge: that schools, primary and secondary education, can overcome ideological debates and truly respect the child’s right to learn – the right to learn to read, learn to write, the mathematical reasoning, scientific development”, declared Dorinha.
At the end of the speech, the senator also reinforced that “the country needs to change the reality of education”. “It’s not impossible. Countries that were once in the position that Brazil occupies today managed to make their leap through a non-partisan pact for education. More than debating the holding of municipal and state conferences and the national conference, we need to build a national pact”, said the senator.
The new PNE for the next ten years was defined last week during the National Education Conference (Conae) 2023, in Brasília. A People’s Gazette showed the hostility directed towards conservative delegates and that plurality at the event was just a theory.
The document that will define the direction of education for the country was delivered to the Ministry of Education, and will be forwarded to the National Congress in the form of a bill. The new goals need to be approved by deputies and senators to take effect.