Request for impeachment of senator Jorge Seif reaches the TSE

Request for impeachment of senator Jorge Seif reaches the TSE


Senator Jorge Seif (PL-SC) was acquitted by the TRE-SC last year.| Photo: Roque de Sá/Agência Senado.

The request for impeachment of senator Jorge Seif (PL-SC) for alleged abuse of economic power during the 2022 campaign is being processed at the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). Minister Floriano de Azevedo Marques will report the case. In November last year, the Regional Electoral Court of Santa Catarina (TRE-SC) rejected the request presented by the “Let’s Work” coalition formed by the Patriota, PSD and União Brasil parties in the state.

Also targets of the action were the senator’s two deputies, Hermes Klann and Adrian Rogers Censi, and businessmen Luciano Hang, owner of the Havan chain of stores, and Almir Manoel Atanázio dos Santos. All were unanimously acquitted.

Seif and the businessmen were accused of allegedly illegally using a helicopter for transport and participation in events, using the material and personnel structure of Havan stores to run a campaign and illegally financing advertising by the São João Batista union during an event in County.

At the end of January, the TRE-SC judged the last appeal of Seif’s defense in the first instance. At the time, the judges decided to fine the senator R$1,412 because they considered that the embargo for declaration was presented to delay the processing of the action. The PSD continued the process and contacted the TSE. The action reached the Court on the 9th and there is still no scheduled date for the trial.

In Brasília, the scenario could be unfavorable for the senator, as the TSE has already analyzed a similar case. In May last year, the Electoral Court revoked the mandate of the mayor and vice-mayor of Brusque (SC), José Ari Vequi and Gilmar Doerner, for abuse of economic power. They were accused of using the Havan structure during the 2020 municipal election campaign. The Santa Catarina municipality elected, in September 2023, André Vechi (DC) and Deco Batisti (PL), as the new mayors and vice mayors, respectively.


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