Randolfe articulation guarantees Amapá more than 75 tons of food for Mazagão and Oiapoque – News of Brazil

Randolfe articulation guarantees Amapá more than 75 tons of food for Mazagão and Oiapoque – News of Brazil


Last Tuesday, the 21st, the government of Amapá received 75 tons of food through the National Supply Company (Conab). In July, senator Randolfe Rodrigues met with the state governor, Clécio Luís, in a meeting with Rosa Neida, interim president, to request support for Amapá’s municipalities.

“The governor provided reports on the situation of the state’s indigenous people in food insecurity, due to a pest that affected cassava vines planted in the communities”explained Senator Randolfe.

The food was purchased through the Cooperativa dos Moradores Agroextrativists da Reserva do Baixo Cajari (Coopemarca), in Mazagão.

In total, there are 75 tons of food, an investment of R$900,000. In the coming days, the cooperative should deliver another ten tons of flour. Each indigenous family will receive 30 kilos of food, around 2,500 families will be served by the end of the activities.

Around 10.5 tons of cassava flour will be destined for indigenous families in the municipality of Oiapoque, who suffer from pests in manioc plantations in the region and are unable to produce the food.

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