Eduardo Campos died in 2014 during a plane crash| Photo: PSB/Disclosure

Former Pernambuco governor Eduardo Campos (PSB), who died in 2014, was criminally charged in the state’s Federal Court for receiving bribes on behalf of an uncle in a Swiss-based bank account. complaint was accepted last September by federal judge Amanda Diniz Araújo.

According to the accusation presented by the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF), in exchange for favoring the pessebist’s government between 2007 and 2014, the contractor Odebrecht made transfers that totaled R$ 771.5 thousand, the equivalent of R$ 4 million today . The information is from the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.

The accusation, which is a result of Operation Lava Jato and was offered after international cooperation with authorities in the European country, who sent account data to Brazil, is under judicial secrecy.

Eduardo Campos died in 2014, victim of a plane crash, weeks before the first round of the presidential election of that year. Campos was a pre-candidate for the election, which ended up electing Dilma Rousseff (PT). The PSB and the former governor’s family have not commented on the case.