President of Inep refutes accusations of “ideological nature” in Enem

President of Inep refutes accusations of “ideological nature” in Enem


Entrance exam

Parliamentary Agricultural Front (FPA) calls for the annulment of questions 89, 70 and 71 of the test

The president of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), Manuel Palacios, refuted this Wednesday (8) the accusations of “ideological nature” and “doctrine” in the questions of the National High School Examination (Enem). According to him, the test does not evaluate political opinion, but rather text interpretation.

“The multiple choice item aims to present a stimulus to the student and capture their response. It is not a question at any time of subjecting the student to any question that leads to a manifestation of agreement or disagreement with what is written there”,

argued Palacios in a session of the Chamber’s Education Committee.

The Agricultural Parliamentary Front (FPA) calls for the annulment of questions 89, 70 and 71. The bench states that “the questions are poorly formulated, only ideologically proven”, and have no “scientific or academic criteria”.

“The evidence has a very ideological bias. It was a parade of issues confronting agriculture and capitalism. I found it shameful not to complete all sides, this clearly shows indoctrination”,

declared deputy Adriana Ventura (Novo-SP).

Palacios, however, defended the objectivity of the preparation of the exam items. “[Os elaboradores das questões] They are teachers who were selected in 2020, and have been performing this role until now. If there is any type of biased selection, it has been occurring for a long time, because in reality there is nothing more than the public selection of education professionals, through objective curriculum criteria”, he said.

According to the president of Inep, the test items reflect basic criteria for students’ “critical thinking”.

“Racism is a crime. Feminism is not a doctrine, it is the defense of women’s rights. It does not seem to me that items that highlight issues relating to racial discrimination and discrimination against women are doctrinal”,


*With information from CNN

Read more:

Inep releases Higher Education Quality Indicators for 2022, this Thursday (3)

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