Podemos brings together approximately a thousand women in a meeting – News of Brazil

Podemos brings together approximately a thousand women in a meeting – News of Brazil



Event, with the participation of the national president, Márcia Pinheiro, and the local president, Sandra Lacerda, took place in Macapá, on the weekend

Douglas Lima

The female segment of the party held, over the weekend, the Podemos Mulher Amapá Meeting with debates on various topics regarding the national and local contexts of Brazilian politics.

The national president of the party, also in the female segment, Márcia Pinheiro, was present at the event that brought together approximately a thousand women who responded to the call for political action, the largest ever held in Amapá in this pre-campaign period.

Sandra Lacerda, who presides Podemos Mulher in Amapá, after the meeting spoke about the importance of the issues discussed, highlighting that the most heated debate was the one dealing with female participation in politics.

“The main objective is for more and more women to participate in Amapá politics and seek their spaces of power”highlighted President Sandra Lacerda, without saying what Podemos’s intentions are for the next municipal elections.

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