PM of Bahia articulates creation of state Military Justice – 12/10/2023 – Panel

PM of Bahia articulates creation of state Military Justice – 12/10/2023 – Panel


With the help of a judge, the Bahia PM articulates the creation of a state court of Military Justice, to judge crimes committed by police officers. The state is one of the country’s champions of homicides and police lethality.

The argument is that the measure would speed up the processing of these processes and alleviate the volume in the state court.

The Constitution authorizes states to create regional Military Justice courts as long as they have a military force exceeding 20,000 members.

Today, only Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo and Minas Gerais have this type of cut. With more than 30 thousand members, including PMs and firefighters, Bahia would fit the criteria.

Judge Baltazar Miranda Saraiva, from the Court of Justice of Bahia, presented a draft this year to try to create the court. The text depends on the approval of a TJ reform commission and needs to be approved by the Legislative Assembly.

“It’s a very affordable court in terms of expenses, because it only has seven judges — four colonels, a representative of the Public Ministry, a lawyer and a judge, who all become judges”, says Saraiva.

He sees advantages in the measure. “In the cases that occur in São Paulo, for example, the military are judged quickly. So it avoids impunity. It’s also good for them, because when the military commits a mistake, but it’s nothing that could harm their career, they will be judged quickly.”

The Panel found that the proposal is not seen as a priority in the Bahian government. Members of the state administration emphasize that there are no conclusive studies that attest that the state Military Justice actually speeds up the conclusion of actions against police officers. There is the idea of ​​commissioning research on the topic.

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