Plínio Valério denounces abuses in operations against settlers in Pará
The president of the CPI of NGOs, senator Plínio Valério (PSDB-AM), sent a complaint to the Federal Supreme Court (STF) that highlights alleged abuses committed in the expulsion of settlers from Vila Renascer, in the Apyterewa Indigenous Land, in the region of Redenção (PA) , which brings together more than 200 families in a situation of litigation.
According to the complaint, the abuses are being carried out by 300 public agents from the National Force, the National Indian Foundation (Funai), the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) and the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra).
In the document, sent to the president of the STF, minister Luís Roberto Barroso, the senator reiterates that the complaints demand immediate measures from all Powers of the Republic in defense of human dignity, including the right to property. In addition to videos, the document includes copies of legal actions already formalized and which came to the attention of the Senate and the CPI of NGOs.
The president of the CPI of NGOs cites Funai, Incra and Ibama “as responsible for criminal conduct, by forcing the eviction and displacement of families and animals in outrageous conditions, irremediably condemning them, contrary to what their duty requires. of guard and caution.”
Valério also cites legal questions about the demarcation of the Apyterewa Land, the subject of dozens of legal and administrative actions and procedures, with decades of disputes between entities that claim to be defenders of indigenous people and squatters considered to be in an illegal situation. The senator notes, however, that, “regardless of this, public bodies and agents cannot exercise the authority that the law gives them to cause real terror to so many families who already live in constant insecurity and fear, whether for their properties, goods and creations. and mainly, for their own physical integrity”.
“Despite the merit of the possessory situation that is at the heart of this conflict, nothing justifies the criminal nature of the actions of the aforementioned public bodies and agents, who not only go beyond the limits of their regular activity, but practice day-to-day and blatant abuse of power, embarrassment illegal, mistreatment and violence against human beings, animals, goods and private properties. We therefore attach to this memorial terrifying videos, which show the cruel conditions to which people — and even animals — were and continue to be exposed,” concludes the text of the memorial. With information from Agência Senado