PGR wants Ibaneis back as governor of the DF – 03/10/2023 – Power

PGR wants Ibaneis back as governor of the DF – 03/10/2023 – Power


The PGR (Attorney General of the Republic) opined, this Friday (10), for the revocation of the judicial decision that removed from office the governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha (MDB).

He was removed from office for 90 days by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the STF (Federal Supreme Court), after the coup acts on January 8. The decision expires on April 9.

The manifestation of the PGR is signed by the coordinator of the Strategic Group to Combat Anti-democratic Acts of the body, the deputy attorney general of the Republic Carlos Frederico Santos.

He argues that the measure requires the requirement of “fair fear of its use for criminal practice”, as provided for in article 319 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which would not be configured in the case.

According to the deputy prosecutor, the elements gathered so far in the investigation do not allow inferring that the return of Ibaneis Rocha to the position of governor would prevent the collection of evidence, obstruct ongoing investigations and jeopardize public order or law enforcement. criminal.

According to the PGR, given the absence of legal requirements for removal from public service, the deputy attorney general does not oppose the revocation of the measure, stressing that the order can be replaced by other measures.

“Currently, the requirements of the precautionary measure of removal from public service are not fulfilled, notwithstanding the future analysis regarding the existence or not of evidence for criminal responsibility”, he argues.

Moraes considered in his decision that Ibaneis had intentionally omitted conduct and made public statements defending a false “free political demonstration in Brasília”, even though all networks knew that attacks on institutions and their members would be carried out in the city.

The minister also maintained that the removal from office was necessary to prevent the Chief Executive from destroying evidence about possible omissions that led to the lenient action of the PM of the DF.

The order was confirmed days later in the court’s plenary session, with only ministers André Mendonça and Kassio Nunes Marques voting against it.

The defense of Ibaneis has said that the district government prepared a security plan for the Bolsonarists promoted acts, but that, at some point, there was sabotage and the “previously established protocol was unusually not complied with”.


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