PF delegates criticize proposal to create a “national Gaeco”

PF delegates criticize proposal to create a “national Gaeco”


Mário Luiz Sarrubbo, future national secretary of Public Security.| Photo: Reproduction/MPSP

Entities representing Federal Police delegates criticized statements by Mário Sarrubbo, announced last week as future national secretary of Public Security. Criticism is directed especially at the proposal to create a kind of “national Gaeco” to integrate state security secretariats and justice bodies in the fight against crime.

In a statement, the National Association of Federal Police Delegates (ADPF) and the National Federation of Federal Police Delegates (Fenadepol) say they received the proposal with strangeness and concern. “Without going into the debatable merits regarding effectiveness, such a measure appears to be inconceivable within the scope of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, as the department cannot, due to constitutional prohibition, subordinate itself to or become an extension of another Power or institution”, says the note.

For entities, measures like this “promote clashes and institutional disharmony.” The note also adds that it is up to the secretariat to strengthen police bodies and develop actions aimed at distributing resources directed to police forces. “Measures that are not based on these pillars represent a clear setback in the strengthening and achievements made by the country’s police forces”, states the text.


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