PDT goes to the STF against the law that prohibits children in LGBT parades

PDT goes to the STF against the law that prohibits children in LGBT parades


The Democratic Labor Party (PDT) and two associations linked to the LGBT movement entered the Federal Supreme Court (STF) with two Direct Unconstitutionality Actions (ADIs) against Law 6,469, promulgated by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Amazonas (Aleam) in October 2023 , which prohibits the participation of children and adolescents in LGBT parades in the state.

According to the law, in case of non-compliance, event organizers, sponsors, parents or guardians of children and teenagers can be fined up to R$10,000 per hour.

According to a statement from Aleam, the law is based on the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) and aims to “protect children and adolescents, guaranteeing their well-being in an environment free from violations of their special rights”.

According to the PDT, author of ADI 7,585, the law was based on “homotransphobic ideology”. The party also said that the deputies justified the law based on “dehumanizing, regrettably traditional homotransphobic scarecrows around the world”.

“These scarecrows come from the heteronormative, cisnormative and sexist gender ideology that plagues human societies around the world and is the only ‘gender ideology’ that exists, preaching the supremacy of heterosexuality over other sexual orientations (heteroaffective unions over homoaffective unions) ), cisgenderness over other gender identities (transgender: transsexuals and transvestites) and masculinity over femininity (man over woman)”, claims the party.

“They intentionally or culpably defend the unconstitutional ideologies of cisheteronormativity and machismo, that is, the imposition of values ​​that want to preach that heterosexual people are supposedly ‘superior or better’ than non-heterosexual people (LGB+), that cisgender people are supposedly ‘superior or better’ than non-cisgender/transgender people (T+) and that men are supposedly ‘superior or better’ than women”, says an excerpt from the petition presented by the party”, it continues.

ADI 7,584, presented by the National LGBTI+ Alliance and the Brazilian Association of Homotransaffective Families (ABRAFH), says that instead of protecting children and adolescents, the Amazonian law “attacks childhoods and youth that deviate from the hegemonic standard of cisheteronormative society”.

The associations even say that the law “is almost a eugenics project” because, according to them, “it attacks those (children) who are seen as undesirable by supremacist groups”.

The two actions were filed with the STF on January 4th and 5th, 2024 and will be reported by Minister Gilmar Mendes. During the act of promulgation of the law, in October last year, the author of the proposal, deputy Delegado Péricles (PL), celebrated the approval of the project.

“I am happy that the proposal was enacted by Aleam and is now law in our state. Although this event is traditional, it has become a place where the body is exposed, with constant images of nudity, simulated sexual acts, demonstrations that, in some cases, result in religious intolerance, in addition to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, and we need preserve our children and adolescents”, declared the deputy.


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