Parintinense exposes in works influences of African-based religions in the North region

Parintinense exposes in works influences of African-based religions in the North region


‘Notches in faith’

The wooden sculptures seek to value Afro-Amazonian religiosity

Manaus (AM) — Brazilian culture is made up of a mixture of beliefs and races, mainly indigenous, white and black. The scenario is no different in the Amazon, and with this in mind, craftsman from Parintin Messias Evangelista created the “Carvings of Faith” project, which consists of the construction of wooden sculptures, highlighting the influence and expression of the faith of African-based religions in the region. North.

“Entalhes da Fé” was included in the notice of the Paulo Gustavo Law and has support from the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of Amazonas (SEC), in addition to the Municipal Secretariat of Culture and Tourism (Semcult) of Parintins.

According to Messias Evangelista, the “Carvings of Faith” project aims to value Afro-Amazonian religiosity through the art of wood carving.

“This project is the result of research and collaborative work between artists, researchers, religious leaders and Afro-Amazonian communities. We also want to demystify prejudices and stereotypes associated with African-based religions, valuing these traditions and promoting cultural diversity, as well as mutual respect”,

said the artist, who also works in the activities of Terreiro de Umbanda Ogum Beira-Mar and Cabocla Mariana, in Parintins.

Wooden sculptures highlight the influence and expression of faith of African-based religions Photo: Disclosure

The artist also explained the process of constructing the wooden pieces and the composition of his team for this work.

“Once we have argued the artistic value of wood carving, we present the four forms of this technique: chiseling, relief carving, figure excavation or chip excavation. As a social economic aspect, the project focuses on hiring anonymous people within the artisanal production segment, aiming to expand opportunities for improving techniques and income circulation within the municipality of Parintins and creating means of financial independence”,


Parintina historian Larice Butel worked on the research part of the project. She talks about the process of creating “Entalhes da Fé”.

“The development of the project is a set of results proposed by the Ogum Beira-Mar and Cabocla Mariana Cultural Center. During the entire process of thinking about the works and even the text of the project, Messias Evangelista took into consideration the ancestral roots of African-based religions, whether in Candomblé or Umbanda”, he concludes.

In total, 15 works, including atabaques, the arrow of Oxóssi (orixá that represents knowledge and forests) and other elements of African-based religions, were built by Messias Evangelista and his team. The pieces will be put on display at the Leopoldo Neves Municipal Market, in Parintins, with an open visit to the public, next Saturday (9), at 8am.

*With information from consultancy

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