Nominated for TRF-1 supports ‘bolsonarista’ plate for ANPR – 04/05/2023 – Mônica Bergamo

Nominated for TRF-1 supports ‘bolsonarista’ plate for ANPR – 04/05/2023 – Mônica Bergamo


One of the names nominated to run for a vacancy on the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region (TRF-1), the Federal Public Prosecutor Michele Rangel de Barros Vollstedt Bastos declared her vote in a ticket that disputes the directorship of the National Association of Public Prosecutors ( ANPR) and is made up of colleagues who sided with former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Rangel makes up the triple list of the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) destined to fill a vacancy of judge for the court. In addition to her, prosecutors Ana Carolina Alves Araújo Roman and Lauro Pinto Cardoso were appointed. The appointment will be up to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), to whom the names have already been forwarded.

In a message shared in a WhatsApp group and obtained by the column, the attorney general stated that she decided to support the “Renovation and Pluralism” slate for the ANPR board, which is headed by attorney Alexandre Schneider.

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Schneider launched an inquiry against the Ministry of Health and Fiocruz scientists who opposed the use of chloroquine against the new coronavirus. Along with other colleagues, he also worked to distribute the medicine in the SUS (Unified Health System) even though there was no proven efficacy.

“I envision a moment of change. Of experimenting with a new way of administering. Of leaving the ‘more of the same’. Thus, I declare voting for the ticket of our colleague and friend Alexandre Schneider!”, wrote the attorney Michele Rangel. “I’m extremely supportive of alternation in any sphere or form of power! That’s my vote!”, she further stated.

The “Renovation and Pluralism” ticket is still integrated by Ailton Benedito, a prosecutor who issued a technical note in 2021 in which he recommended the adoption of the so-called “early treatment” in the state of Goiás.

Defended by Bolsonaro, the term referred to the use of drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to supposedly fight Covid-19 – even though there was no scientific evidence and despite all the side effects involved in their unrestricted use.

Benedito also referred to the coronavirus as the “Chinese virus” and was even the target of an administrative proceeding with the National Council of the Public Ministry (CNMP) for the xenophobic attack.

The presence of Schneider and Benedito means that the ticket that disputes the command of ANPR is seen as a Bolsonarist by members of the MPF. In addition to defending the use of chloroquine, Schneider has already endorsed Bolsonaro by repeating offenses made by the former representative to journalist Patrícia Campos Mello, from Folha.

“Watch out for those of you who want to be a journalist: don’t confuse breaking the story with breaking the story for the sake of the story”, wrote the prosecutor, in a publication on social networks. The message referred to a sexual insult made by Bolsonaro against the journalist.

Last year, the 8th Chamber of Private Law of the Court of Justice of São Paulo decided to maintain a conviction against President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) for offending the honor of Patrícia Campos Mello.

Sought after, Michele Rangel claims that, with the message, she only expressed support for the alternation of power in the entity, nothing more.

“My professional career, as a prosecutor, has always been recognized for its progressive stance. I share the same set of values ​​as the current government, that is, the defense of human rights, indigenous peoples and traditional communities such as the quilombolas, the environment and of other values ​​dear to the democratic rule of law”, he says, in a message sent to the column.

“My supposed ‘declaration’ in support of the Renewal and Pluralism slate is due exclusively to the alternation of power in the ANPR. Nothing more than that! It is regrettable the spread of fake news in this selection process for the vacancy of judge at TRF1. To whom could it be of interest to spread this information?”, he concludes.

Entitled “Somos ANPR”, the other ticket running for the board of directors of the entity —and to which Rangel is opposed— is headed by Ubiratan Cazetta, current president of ANPR.


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